rules &
1. Do not bash, or be rude to
another player. Please keep
the spicy dumpling family a
nice and happy family
2. You are able to play
yourself, just talk to me
first so i could set it up for
you. When you play yourself,
choose a partner that is
playing an actual character
to put yourself as a 'couple'
(couples last only for as
long as the roleplay segment
lasts, which could be about
one to three weeks)
3. If a user is acting
innapropriately, please
notify me (the author)
immediately. This could be
ual harrassment,
forceful asking of nudes,
and just harrassment in
4. if you want to apply to a character, notify the author.
5. if you have been inactive for more than two weeks, you will recieve a message from the author regarding your absence PASSword is bangtanbomb
Application format
Name, birthday, character wanted, description of you, and password
ANy viiolators of
these rules
will be blacklisted
removed immediately
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