- Currently accepting applications. (Student Applications Only)
- School Grand Opening will be 31/10/15 (Dress to Impress)
- Also Looking for new administration staff. (Admins, different application form)
- Co-Authors are also welcome to keep page running. (Same Admin Application form)
- Any Students interested in Student Council please add in application form.**
- Subscribing is a must, we want to keep everyone upadted both on FB & AFF. Upvoting is optional and very much appreciated.
- All Students must complete enrollment process, that is if a student isn't announce by admission then they're not enroll, (We will check friendlist every Sunday of each week.)
- Once admission is granted, create a FB profile with character that was chosen, Please add (Sindicate) in alternative names. Add Headmistriss Sulli and wait for announcement of enrollment.
- is allowed, ( spam is only allowed in a private group.)
- We do not require to be online 24/7 we understand people are busy, but we will run activity checks every Monday, (If you miss it you will have 48hrs to write a paragraph of why the student couldn't make it to the "event".)
- All students will be required to take at least two classes per semester. (Teachers will give out classes every Mon & Wed, Final exams are also required after 6months and so on this a roleplay College, so it will function as a college.)
- Student Council is required to make student events for the activity check, if you're not in the student council please talk to the President of Student council.
- Relationships are allowed, but have a time set of two-three weeks depend of activity.
- Door rooms and private housing outside of campus is also avaliable for students.
- Please no Drama, some can be tolerated but not to a certain extent.
- You are not an IDOL.
- The Password for week of 27/10 - 03/11 is your favorite k pop song of Exo.
- Have fun be gentle and respectful to others, Enjoy!
English (All studies) : Professor Won Kim
Mathematics (College Level) : Professor Park-Seon
Biological Studies : Professor Yung Lee Hyun
Chemistry Studies: Professor Kim Jongin
Supernatural Studies: Professor Seo-Yeon
Goverment Studies: Professor Ji-Woo
History & Geography Studies: Professor Shi-Woo
Art : Professor Jun-Seun
Music & Dance: Professor Yun-Seo
Student Council (Required for All Council Members) : Woo-Jin
Field (Sports): Professor Mi-young
Sutudent Applications:
Add to spam? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Student Council? Yes [ ] No [ ]
First Class of choice:
Second Class of choice:
Zero Perios Class (third class of choice use for activity check) :
Short Bio:
Admin Application:
Time Zone:
RP experience? :
Hours of activity you can provide:
Short Bio:
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