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Length/Roleplay style: To put it simply, I write in third person paragraph style. I ask that you do the same. I do get into my writing, and sometimes will write 3-4 paragraphs in response, even more. I ask that you at least respond with a paragraph or two. If you do script writing, or one liners please don't bother to contact me.

Grammar/Spelling: To be honest, I'm not too picky when it comes to this. All I ask is that you use proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. I don't care if you mess up a few words, because I do the same sometimes. Honestly, if I can read it and understand it, then I'm perfectly happy. :)

OC/Love interest: For this specific roleplay, I am going to play an OC and am asking that you play as Tate. Though, if we can work it into the plot, I'm more than willing to double. Also, I will play canon caracters as the plot calls for it.

Talking outside the roleplay/leaving: I love talking to people outside our roleplay, whether it be about the roleplay or about anything else. Though if you're not a big talker outside of the roleplay, that's fine too. When it comes to leaving, I'd like it if you told me you weren't interested anymore, rather than just leaving without a word. 

Reply time: I usually reply everyday, and depending on the length depends on how long until I respond. If it's more than one paragraph, it will take longer to respond than if it's just one. If something comes up and I can't reply, I do warn my partner so they know. 

Limits: I don't have any limits in roleplays, but if you do please let me know! That way it's better and more comfortable for the both of us!


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TheZombie 9 years ago
OMFG I'm in if you want to!
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