House Rules
1. Favorite this roleplay
2. Each person can only have up to two (2) accounts
3. This is an AU roleplay and you can use 1st or 3rd POV. Use brackets for OOC replies.
4. Be active at least once a week. Inactive players will be given two warnings before being deactivated.
5. Het/Gay/Bi relationships are all accepted. All kinks are also accepted, if you're uncomfortable, just tell the RP-er to stop.
6. Please respect everyone living at the House of Heaven and we'll have no problems.
7. If you have any questions, just post to Jaejoong's or Luhan's wall and they'll help you.
How to Apply
1. Just select the idol that you want from the Masterlist
2. If you can't find someone you want, just message us and we'll create the character for you
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