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Le Plaisir
house heads
in order to be a house head you must be active 3 days a week. you need to be around the roleplay as much as possible. why? because when people request for a certain e you need to accept or deny their offer and place the scheduled activity in the bulletein group. you can only deny a man a e if he is violent or pays too little. failure to be active or abuse of power will result in a kick out of house head. you will have to be a common e. house heads will be shown on the roleplay layout. a house head can be seen as a moderator of the roleplay while the admins are not around. for more information please message the aff account
jobs below are common jobs for men who are not es. if you do not see your wanted position please message an admin to ask about it.:
music/dance teachers:
clothes designers:
buisness owner:
bakery owners:
maison plaisir: the very first e house that keeps up with every high end trend and social settings. to be free of this place you must pay 300 pounds.
maison amour: known for being slow and sensual giving love right where it is needed.. the third e house built. in order to leave this house you will have to pay 200 pounds.
maison vixen: a rowdy and devious mix of prostitues who know how and where to . the second e house built. to be free of this house you need to pay 50 pounds.
maison copain: smooth casanovas who will convince you that they are gentlemen but purely nasty behind closed doors. the newest house edition. to be free you will need to pay 400 pounds.
maison amour: known for being slow and sensual giving love right where it is needed.. the third e house built. in order to leave this house you will have to pay 200 pounds.
maison vixen: a rowdy and devious mix of prostitues who know how and where to . the second e house built. to be free of this house you need to pay 50 pounds.
maison copain: smooth casanovas who will convince you that they are gentlemen but purely nasty behind closed doors. the newest house edition. to be free you will need to pay 400 pounds.
in order to buy a e for a night/to own- you must have points. we want to keep this point system in the currency of the roleplay to make it fel real. therefore we will be using pounds. in order to reciever pounds you need to do the following: (note: we do not want to make this super difficult so we have tried to be easy and simple. let us know if you have any problems)
to own a e for a night: 0-50 pounds. the higher you pay the longer you can have them. 50 pounds if for the whole night. anything less will only be considered hours.
to buy a prostitue as your own, you must pay 400 pounds. everyone who is not a prostitue starts out with 50 pounds in the rp.
games(such as candy crush, wordscapes, anything with a facebook login):5 pounds for every 10 levels you beat
games(such as candy crush, wordscapes, anything with a facebook login):5 pounds for every 10 levels you beat
roleplaying in direct messages: 5 pounds but we must have proof!
wall posts:10 pounds
group pouts:15 pounds
for every post with 25 comments you will be rewarded. to earn more points/pounds you must have longer threads.
es will be allowed to level up at the end of every week. the higher you level up the higher you can demand someone pays you. doesn't mean you will always get it but in most cases you can take it to your house head to fight it. things es will be in charge of paying the house heads back for.
props usage
all es start out as . after your first week of enough activity and at least 3 clients you will level up.
e levels
courtesan: the highest paid prostitue
house occupancy
maison plaisir:2
maison amour:
maison vixen:
maison copain:1
Open & accepting every status.
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