
Last post 11 years ago
Tags roleplay  


--R U L E S --

Roleplay Rules


please don’t use other languages because people might not understand and will feel uncomfortable

  •  Simply respect other roleplayers

Need I say more? We don’t need OOC dramas here. (there won’t even be any OOC group. We want it to be completely in character ) if you want to be friends OOC, you’re welcomed to do so but only in PM between yourselves. Admins won’t be in charge for your OOC problems, ok?


This is the hardest part. But don’t worry the admins will make it easy for you, we will create a list to make it easy for you to track down the members. So make sure you follow that list. We help you, you help us

  • Inform the admins if you are leaving or going on a hiatus

Don’t, absolutely don’t leave us hanging

  • Don’t advertise any roleplays in this RP

That is our job. That is why we have our affiliates page ok

  • You’re not allowed to make groups. Only we can

But you’re welcome to give us suggestions! :D

  • Don’t change the groups’ cover photos without our permission

We don’t want weird pictures ok

  • password is - wingardium leviosa


  •  The admins will assign you to your houses, so in your alternate name; create initials of your house

For example - Taeyeon Kim (LN) — LN stands for Lumiere Noire. So, automatically, same goes for Chaerin Lee (FJ) which is Fleur Jaune. Simple as that

  • deactivate your account if you’re leaving

it’s like burying your body after you die. We don’t want dead bodies lying around everywhere

  • Have fun & Behave


School Rules.

  • Behave!

Admins are watching you >_>

  • Don’t curse too much. (Not at all would be much preferred)
  • No going on, this is a very good school. ( only in PM please.)
  • No / yuri , sorry
  • No pregnancies
  • No marriage unless you have been in a relationship for at least 4 months
  • Respect the teachers, the admins, and also everyone around you
  • Strictly no magic outside of school bounds (amusement parks, shopping mall, etc etc.) we don’t want muggles to know about us
  • student-teacher relationship is not allowed
  • In your "about me page" on facebook, we don't want to get into trouble, so please write this -


Only a roleplayer. I am not nor claim to be (Your name here).

super powers:
type: (witch/ wizard/ fairy/ elf/ vampire/ x-men/ etc)
about: (a short summary of your character)



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