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Status [M]
Tags roleplay   you   thirdpov   fun     dbsk   jyj  

Our Rules:


*This roleplay is a thrid person point of view. Strictly! No bashing or any kind of Rudness.


*Of course, implicit hot scenes are allowed since this roleplay is a RATED-M.


*First come, First serve.


* or Yuri is not allowed.


*You need to be active at least 2-4 times a week.


*If you're going on hiatus/deactivating, notify first the admin.


*Write legibly with proper sentence. You don't have to be so perfect, just make sure to be clear so that if the others may read it or others who are roleplaying will understand.


*Strictly! Write at least 3-5 sentences.


*Don't forget to leave comments everytime you're online and also once you're accepted.


*Lastly don't forget to hit the 'favorite' button as you join. Which can also notify you for some new updates.




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notavailable 11 years ago
thank you for approving ^^
JaeHee 11 years ago
thank you so much for approving my application
/bowing 90 degrees/
JaeHee 11 years ago
i hope you see my application....pretty please...^^
ardenjin 11 years ago
Hope we get more applicants!!
Burning91Rose 11 years ago
Sounds really interesting...
ardenjin 12 years ago
Yay~ thanks for accepting me! :)
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