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-Favorite is a must! Upvoting will give you some brownie points.

- is a must as well! Okay? Manly love~

-One account per soul

-NO secret accounts. If any admin finds out that you have a secret account, you will be kicked out of the roleplay.

-No OOC drama, password; brownies. In character drama is okay to a point.

-OOC should be in OOC group.

-Be respectful to others and no facechasing.

-Be active at least 4 out of 7 times a week.

        -Inactive for 2 weeks = automatic kick out.

        -Failure to attend Activity Check = same fate.

- is allowed in the M rated groups and on walls

-MPreg may not be allowed.

-And you must have something on your profile! Because why have it if its blank?



How to fill out your application! 

Name of Idol


How troubled are they? Just violence and fights? Or are they mentally troubled?

Age? (Can be changed up to three years!) 

A short bio! (like three to four sentences at the least)



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kingminseok 10 years ago
Can you reserve zelo from bap for me?
consumptions 11 years ago
reserve kai?
o u o
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