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Tags 3rdpov   adventure   angst   auroleplay  

Mansion rules

1.You start from the tenth floor of the mansion and try to make your way to the first floor.The way to win the game is to escape the mansion first by defeating monsters and going down level by level until you get to the first floor and out to the court yard.

  • WARNING: The floors can change. So say you were on floor two then something was triggered, the floor then could change to floor five and you would have to now start from floor five again. (floor ten, five, and one are the only floors that can not change)

2. Each floor has a different theme and different challenges or riddles you have to complete to get past the floor. You have to go through each floor (most of which will have sevral rooms). You can not leave a floor unless the challenge is completed and an admin has told you you can move on.

3.The monsters will be run by the admins and there will be many of them. You will not know what the monsters are until they apear in which there will be an announcement introducing the monsters. The monsters can be in any form and most will be assigned to certain floor. Some advanced monsters may be able to move about the floors freely.

  • WARNING: Some monsters may be ual, meaning some may or seduce you. Also some monsters may have the power to possess you but if a monster happens to have this power a admin will ask for your consent first before using the power.

4.Some monsters will make deals with you in which giving you the chance to move ahead or gain extra clues or items. These chances aren't free though, you have to pay. (refer to rule #9 in player rules.)

  • WARNING: Most of these chances also have a bad side to them. If you win they help you, if you lose...

5.When you enter the mansion you are stripped off all your posestions (including cellphones). You will have no supplies and no weapons. Those will be placed in the floors later on.


Player Rules


1.No God modding, this meaning, do not control other peoples characters. If god modding is seen you will get points deducted or if it happens too often you will get kicked out.

2.No one liners. One paragraph at the least and I’m going to make that five sentence, complete sentances, minimum. One liners are incredibly hard to get any good action going so we want at least five sentences. If you are continually caught not doing this you will get kicked out.

3.Most of the time there will be monsters attacking you, even so please try to interact with other chosen ones. Fighting between chosen people is allowed and encouraged, you are here to escape the mansion after all.

4.Death is not allowed unless the roleplayer you want to kill has consented to it. This will be only if that roleplayer decides to leave and chooses death as the way they do so or any other special circumstances.

5.Romance/friendship is allowed and we encourage on making alliance. With that said, there will be monsters where there very goal is to break you up. You have been warned.

6., , , and yuri are allowed but not all the time. Please keep it reasonable, you're trying to escape with your lives after all, you won't have much time for .

7.The points have nothing to do with winning. Here points are used more like money in which you can use to buy hints, favors, chances, etc, from monsters or the head family.

8.Only one account per person. If you are suspected of two accounts both counts will be kicked.

9.In your status always state which floor you are on.

10.Even though injuries aren't super important please remember to respect them. They don’t go away right away so please play that out. If you get stabbed in the leg, I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to run super fast. *this also falls under the line of god mod. If you get hurt, say you got hurt. Don’t pretend you didn’t*

11.If on Hiatus please report so, and please add a date or estimated date. (If on hiatus for an unknow amount of time I do require you come on at least once a month and let us know you still are there, if you don't do this, you will be kicked. This is to make sure we don't of any accounts on 'hiatus' that really will just never come back.)

12.If you are inactive for a week and have not notified any of the admins you will get automatically kicked. You are welcome to come back though.

13.No pregnancy. We don’t have time to be dealing with babies....and if we did have babies we'd have a monster that eats no babies.

14.You can only change your character once, so choose wisely.

15.No roleplaying on walls or in PM. There is no reason to do so for you have to stay on certain floors so please don't.

16. You can only roleplay in one place at a time. You arent magical, you can't duplicate yourself so don't do it.

17.This is a 3rd person AU roleplay.

18.Favorite the roleplay. (upvote if you would like!)


To join please fill this out and send it to us. (note [W] on the masterlist means wanted)

Name: (if you would like to be called something other then whats already on your charecter, let me know)


'Chosen one' type: Refer to below



Fear: What is your character's biggest fear(s) (This is only for admin use, you do not have to put on your actual profile if you do not want to)

Special Details: Anything extra

- Wanted [R] - Reserved 

Chosen one types

Cursed Ones ☣:Those with special marks who are said to be descendants of the wrongly accused who died in the Midnight Games. (these people are randomly chosen by admins you can not choose to be this one. Those who are cursed do not have specific advantages but are at more of a disadvantage due to the tormented past. Monsters will target them more than anyone.)

Thrill Seekers ϟ: Those who came to the mansion purely looking for thrill.

Pagan Prisoners †: Outside the darkwoods little villages of still strict religious communities lay and when someone of the community is deemed evil or corrupted they are sent to the mansion.

Skeptics : Those who come to the house looking for truths and proof to the truth. (these people are often times not believers in what goes on at the game.)

Lost Ones ✬:Those who have simply lost their way and unfortunately wandered into the midnight game.



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TheChuz 10 years ago
add me back when it starts
TheChuz 10 years ago
EricaChuz 10 years ago
Chocopa 10 years ago
BACK IN THE GAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *giggles*

BluRiver 10 years ago
Sounds perfect! hahah
I guess I'd be joining.
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