
Last post 9 years ago
Tags thirdpov   auroleplay  
` (follow the rules + )
1✩ you have to be active if you want to join . 10 days no post = inactive sign = first and last warning. 
2✩ you may have only one character but if you're really active and have 100+ points, ask for another
3this is an au roleplay !
4 , pregnancy, and marriage is not allowed
5  goes in wall or rated m rooms.
6 if going on hiatus or deactivating, comment below on the story.
7✩ only  third pov is allowed
8please do not be biased, talk to everyone !!
9✩  favorite the roleplay
10✩ the password is your ultimate bias 
11 make a profile asap
12 if you're an orphan you will have to share a room with three other people
13 be realistic. if you're an orphan, you don't have a fricken phone.
14 you are not allowed to go in the same room as someone the opposite gender. But hey, everything's good unless you're caught
15 you may reapply if you get kicked out
` (the application+ )
                comment application below
name : 
age : ( you can change it, just not drastically )
                 password :
position : care taker/orphan
orientation :
about you : ( why your character is an orphan/caretaker )
desired roommatesnote: this is not a gurantee and you can say someone who hasn't joined the rp yet
note; we are in need of caretakers!


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TI_Chanyeol 9 years ago
Minwoo is leaving, but thank you for having me. I'll keep this favorited and upvoted.
nemoli 10 years ago
baekho left, wasn't active at all
thanks for having me here though lol
EXOtic-sone 10 years ago
Yura is leaving.. Sorry.
I might join again after I'm less busy with school though.
Amberflame 10 years ago
\o/ can one of the admins place me on semi-hiatus please? I won't be here much 12th-19th oct :3 classwork is gonna be a thing this week x3 (DONGHAE)
distanced 10 years ago
Melanie is leaving.. Thanks for having me though~!
tangerines 10 years ago
could you add tiny g's j. min please? :)
toohigh4yew 10 years ago
Can you add ChanYeol please?
iamabana 10 years ago
can you please add B1A4's CNU?
874e04e489748dae27ec 10 years ago
can you add Zitao?
paradisekiss 10 years ago
jongin is leaving ;; sowwiee ; A ;
will come back when i have more time <33
thanks for having me here! ; u ;
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