
Last post 10 years ago
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Tags exo       1stpov   hybrid  

notice board

Mar. 03 2014 — Write your new update here! The div provided can hold as many updates as you want, however, don't go overboard as it will eventually get crowded.

FEB. 27 2014 — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Com sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis!

Roleplay Name


one. This is a based, roleplay. There will be allowed anywhere, and everywhere. If your eyes and heart are too innocent for a large amount of contaminating the rooms, then I suggest you turn back now. two. I highly recommend that you read the story that this roleplay was based off of. You'll get a taste of how the character you wish to apply for acts. three. Everything has been decided. Whether the character is a human or hybrid, as well as who owns who and personalities. Don't change any of that. four. First point of view is what's being used here. NO ONE LINERS. There must be plenty to respond to. If I catch anyone replying with something like (e.g.: *chuckles and nods*, *grins* Sure, *laughs*) then admin Chen will bring his iness to you, and never let it leave your side. I'm warning you now. five. Ten (10) days of no posting until you're marked as inactive. You will get two warnings, and on the third inactivity, you will be kicked. six. Please be sure to comment below if any of the following happens: You are leaving, deactivating, or going on a hiatus. Be sure to state about how long you'll be on hiatus. You may not go away for longer than three months before being kicked without a warning. seven. Password: Pewds vs. Smosh. Which do you like? If you don't have a favorite... EXO vs. BTS. eight. Check out the character that you like to roleplay as to see what their personality is like, just in case it ends up that they don't fit what you like to be. nine. Relationships are a no. (unless you're suho and xiumin. that's a little different). We are one. We live together, together, and love together. No keeping someone else tied down. You'll get some if you do. ten. Favorite the roleplay. Upvoting isn't needed, but appreciated. eleven. Anything and everything is allowed. All kinds of kinks, , whatever your heart desires. Just no killing or OOC drama. Getting pregnant is a no unless author-nim does something with it.

How to Join

one. Favorite the roleplay and PLEASE check out the story before applying. two. Check the rules thuroughly to find the password. that is the only thing that the admins will be checking for. three. Check out the relationship page as well as the character profile that you wish to apply for to see how their personality is- or perhaps even their kinks coughcoughjongincough. four. After deciding on who you'd like to be, apply, and comment below as to which character you applied for, so an admin can get to you as quickly as possible. five. After you've been accepted, go ahead and start having fun to your little heart's content.  

Idol's Name:



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cherrypies 10 years ago
Sorry. Luhan is leaving...
LuQiTrashHeap 10 years ago
Kris is leaving
cherrypies 10 years ago
Applied as Luhan!
camelkevin 10 years ago
xiumin will be on hiatus aug. 29 to sept. 9
just saying in case you open it before then
grayfox 10 years ago
Kris left.
BooJae- 10 years ago
Chanyeol left
oxford 10 years ago
sorry, but Kai has left
ShomoShownu 10 years ago
applied as Sehun!

also...if you need another co-admin, i would love to offer my assistance!
BooJae- 10 years ago
Hey, here to say I'll be gone from tomorrow until Sat/Sun next weekend. I'm going on holiday with friends and there's no/little internet service so I'm not sure I'll be able to get on. I'll be back before you know it though
See you guys in a week
puddin 10 years ago
I dun wanna keep Sehun when someone better could play him
S-So I'll leave
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