The Forest (spam)




the forest(spam)

Finally, you've reached the forest! Don't get lost.

Spam room, you may use one-liners and you can plot here (or on walls/through pm) and ooc doesn't require marks, but it's nice to have them

Chen [A] 10 years ago
/spamspamspammityspam/ just don't forget the rules and you guys are okay uh admins will post rules/reminders either here, the treeline, ooc, or as an announcement. other than that, go crazy


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Firefly- 10 years ago
Sorry, Yoona left.
Exo_xoxo 10 years ago
Can you reserve Sehun please?
manufactured 10 years ago
Reserve luhan please?
Firefly- 10 years ago
Can I reserve Im Yoona?
And can I be a co-admin? I am almost active everyday, plus I have experience.

And one question, is female alpha allowed? :3
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