Hey guys it’s your head admin here. So some of you may or may not know but I've had this roleplay for a little over two years at this point actually probably closer to three or more because the real original version of this roleplay I deleted orz. The next versions I didn’t however because they held too many memories and I regretted deleting the first one.
I said all that to say this, this roleplay is seriously my baby. And I work very hard to try and keep this place alive. I have gone through countless admins and countless trials and errors to create a system and roleplay that would provide the best entertainment au roleplay experience possible. Now of course over time others have taken the same or similar ideas and used it as their own which is fine, but it doesn’t take away from how hard I’ve worked on this roleplay. And to see people constantly going inactive, leaving or just simply not seeming to like being here breaks my heart. So I have a few questions for you guys.
You can either send your answers as a comment on here or through PM to Jessica or Hyuna if you feel more comfortable doing it that way.
1. What are things you want to see improved in this roleplay?
2. If you were in older versions, what are some things you didn’t like or did like and would like to see here if they’re not here already.
3. I’ve been considering a change in platform. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Which platform would you prefer it to be on?
4. Do you have any other comments, concerns or questions about myself, the roleplay or how things are or have been?
Thank you for your time.
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