{ announcement #1 } ㅡ opening and important information!

ㅡ welcome to str entertainment! thank you so much for Joining and giving us a chance. we are happy to amnounce that we're opened as of right now.
the members of shotdrum and oasis are asked to write a small profile about themselves including name, agE, 3 quirks, 3 talents, one funfact about yourself and send it to admin younghyun/jaehyun/seonghwa asap. 
ㅡ make sure to tag an admin whenever you reach 100 points to claim your 25 extra Skill points.
ㅡ you guys are now open to plot and roleplay with others! please get a profile up asap if you haven't yet so you can get started properly. the rooms have been made accessible to everyone.
ㅡ points are deactivated for the ooc and spam chats. you'll need to rp in order to get your points to debut! the lounge is a good place for you to have some casual, lazy roleplaying (can be interpreted as an ic chat, however, strictly no ooc in there)
ㅡ last but not least, i'd like to remind you that we have a Plot room to share your ideas in!
if you've read this, please comment with your characters' name below and something you'd like to see in the future! we have a lot of things we're going to add in the future, but we'd love to hear you guys out. 
if you have questions about the roleplay, you can always slide into my pms or tag one of the admins in the ooc room. 
24,658 notes
♡ ↻


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-lait- 4 years ago
Sammy’s read
Would like to do a company comeback style event
a840099acb9e9d0b1610 4 years ago
Wonpil and ten have read
Uh idk man have some dance battles
-oliver 4 years ago
Harin has read and Uhm
I’m not sure, I trust the admins and what they have planned
shinyechan 4 years ago
sunwoo and yena have read! im not really sure of anything i want to see though
scampi 4 years ago
jungwoo and steph have read and would like to see things get spicy in the future uwu
disrespect 4 years ago
jennie has read and i have no ideas rn asdf rip
namunamu 4 years ago
Irene has read!
-baekby 4 years ago
doyoung has read!
doctorate 4 years ago
hyunjin and daniel has read this
SquiddlyTheImp 4 years ago
Hyeonju has read this
I can't think of any ideas yet, but I'll let you know
dazaiosamu 4 years ago
Johnny & Xiaojun have read this!
So far I don’t have any ideas off the top of my head but I’ll be sure to tell you guys when I thought of something!! <333
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