༄ k. younghyun

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Residence of Kang Younghyun. Knock before entry.



ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae sighed happily as Younghyun pressed him into the mattress, letting himself melt as the other started rocking against him. He slid his hands down his lover's chest to tug his shirt up, nails gently scrapping against his abdomen as he slid his tongue against Younghyun's. While he was content to just lay there and rut against each other like teenagers until they were in their pants and making a big sticky mess, he also wanted to get their pants off, having been in his jeans all day and ready to get out of them. Slowly, he trailed his fingertips down Younghyun's abdomen to fumble with his pants, getting them undone just enough to shove them down with deft fingers.
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" "I know, and you always have me", he muttered, lowering himself further to rest on top of him, rolling his hips against Jae's in a gentle manner - the liplock they shared in combination with the firction that was created made him groan out lowly. Lord, he was so fond of that man, he kept telling himself that as he pushed his tongue inside of his mouth to taste every single bit of him, the hand that was previously roaming over his chest now moved south to push at the waistband of his pants. If Younghyun wanted to take them off, he'd have to pull away from his lips - and he didn't want that, therefore he was hoping for a little help with that. He didn't really care about how far this would go - at this point, he'd be completely fine with simply making out and falling asleep with the other in his arms. He just wanted to let him know how much he loved him every once in a while. But they'd have to get rid of their pants if they wanted to sleep any time soon anyway.
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae let out a long, shaky sigh as Younghyun moved above him, hands sliding up the younger male's chest to wind his long arms around his neck. He let his lips part in a soft breath of pleasure when Younghyun rocked against him, letting his own tongue peek out to at Younghyun's. "I always need you, babe, you know that."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" "Oh, as if I didn't know that", he muttered absent-mindedly as he mouthed at the corner of his lover's lips, eyes fluttering shut. Jae was quite hot like that, offering himself to him and trusting him to take care of him in this vulnerable state.He now let a hand roam over his chest as he supported himself on his elbow, now letting his lips brush over the other's in a gentle manner. he placed a knee between Jae's legs, pressing against his crotch lightly as he dragged his hips over his in a rather teasing manner, his tongue now darting out a little, poking at Jae's to ask for permission to kiss him properly - knowing damn well it was exactly what he wanted.
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae could barely catch his breath as he was moved, huffing softly when they ended up on the bed with Younghyun on top as always, which got Jae's blood running so much quicker through his veins. He let out a shaky breath and parted his lips when his lover as his mouth, the tiniest little whimper escaping his lips at the feeling, and he spread his legs for the younger male to fit in between them as he looked up at him with eyes that were already starting to glaze over. "Younghyun.../please/, please kiss me, please touch me, I need you so badly."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" The way that Jae suddenly seemed so needy and absolutely not amused about the lack of intensity of his touches made Younghyun chuckle under his breath, and he simply tugged the other on top of him, only to flip the both of them over so he could be on top instead, hovering just above his partner, his tongue now at Jaehyung's bottom lip rather teasingly ㅡ ah, he always got him like that. Fortunately, he was quite much of a passionate lover ㅡ and he was especially good at distracting Jae from whatever he was going through with the help of a few touches and words. But honestly, he was just so easy to get riled up amd needy for him, and that's where he got both protective and amused. With their relationship being chaotic for the most part anyway, situations like these weren't uncommon ㅡ Younghyun on top of Jaehyung, teasing the hell out of him only to get him to do something he could about later on. And hopefully, it would distract the other from all the worries he had on his mind.
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae huffed again as Younghyun pushed his pants down to touch his skin, one hand sliding up to scrunch his fingers in his hair while the other rested on his back. "'M trying." He mumbled softly, feeling his skin warm with desire as Younghyun kissed him, and he wanted to whine when the other kept their kisses soft and chaste. He needed /more/. "Baby, /please/."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" "Bull ㅡ relax." He now studied the other's features carefully, his fingers sneaking under the rather thick fabric so he could easily push his pants down a little, his palm now roaming over his outer thigh. "Don't be", he then muttered, "just relax."
He pursed his lips just a little bit, then he leaned in to press a chaste kiss onto his lips, and then another one, and then... he just let them linger on his, humming in contentment.
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" "I can't relax with your hand right there." Jae mumbled, biting his lip to keep himself form smirking at just how /easy/ Younghyun could be sometimes. Sighing softly, he lifted his head out of his neck to just look at Younghyun with half open eyes, his lips slightly and reminding himself in his head to remember his ing chapstick sometimes. "Sorry."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" He grumbled incoherently in return, lifting his leg a little to allow the other to shuffle closer. "If you say so." He knew better than to keep pressuring him, if he had to cry, he would do so, anyway. "That doesn't make sense. You say it's nothing, then you say you don't wanna talk." A sneaky hand drew circular patterns on his skin before it made its way down to fumble with his waistband absent-mindedly. "Anyway. It's fine. Relax."
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" "'M not gonna cry." Jae grumbled softly, ignoring how eyes started stinging as soon as Younghyun gave him the permission to do so if he wanted to cry. Pushing that thought away, he pushed one leg in between the younger male's in order to try and feel closer to him, wanting nothing but the comfort of his love as they pressed together. "Just had a long day, I don't wanna talk about it."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" The way that Jae now tucked his head into the crook of his neck made him huff out softly. He was so, so adorable, lord. He now put his arm around his waist, once more letting his hand slip under his shirt. "Mh, but that's over now", he muttered, his thumb brushing over the small of his back gently. "Are you going to cry? You can cry, it's fine."
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae whined softly at the touch to his stomach, letting himself relax in the hold Younghyun had on him. Slowly, however, he rolled over so he could wrap himself around the younger male, pressing his face into his neck and letting out a shaky sigh. It had been a long day, with too many meetings to count, and his brain was mush and he was melting completely into his love's arms. "Long day."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" "My god", he whispered in a low tone, "who hurt you, hm? You haven't been like this in a while now." The hand on his waist now shifted to slip under his shirt and rub over his stomach in circular motions, lips pressing against his nape now. As long as his breathing sounded steady, everything was alright, so he simply focused on listening to his breathing for now ㅡ therefore also allowing to shut his eyes, as it made it easier for him to focus.
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae only grumbled unintelligibly in response when he felt he press of a body against his back, and he let himself be moved slightly before huffing. He knew that Younghyun would lift himself up soon to see if he was crying (which he wasn't, but he was tempted to start), and he stuck his bottom lip out in a slight pout as he tried to tamp down the shiver that went through his body at the words against his skin. "Hi."
[h] ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" [A] 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ p. jaehyung "ᴊᴀᴇ" When the lock clicked, Younghyun looked up from the book he'd been reading, and over to the door. "Evenining", he muttered under his breath, watching him disappear in the bedroom. Something was off.
Jaehyung never told him when something was wrong. But Younghyun always sensed whenever he tried to hide something from him. He got up from his seat and followed him to the bedroom ㅡ only to find him hidden against the wall. Youmghyun simply stood in that door for a few moments before he finally went inside and crawled on top of the bed. Knowing that words wouldn't help much now, he simply shuffled closer towards him until he could slide a hand between his hips and the wall, simply nuzzling at the nape of his neck. "You didn't even say hi", he murmured.
ᶜᵉᵒ l. hoetaek "ʜᴜɪ" 4 years ago
@ᶜᵉᵒ k. younghyun "ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴋ" Jae huffed as he dug through his pocket for the key, fumbling with sticking it in the lock. He eventually made it inside and shut the door loudly behind him, letting out a long breath before slipping his shoes off and trudging further into the apartment. It took him no time at all to make it into the bedroom, having discarded his jacket, the keys, and his bag right next to the couch, and he groaned loudly as he flopped onto the bed and wedged himself as close to the wall as he possibly could.


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tupinchedios 3 years ago
DamnDaehyun 4 years ago
hi guys. forgot to pm. o/
persica 4 years ago
do you guys have a wishlist of faces you'd like to see?
popcornyhx 4 years ago
Could I have Joey Chua as a manager?
NeoWorld 4 years ago
may i please have Jeon Jungkook as a trainee and Song Mingi as a trainee as well?~
m41h34r7bu7 4 years ago
Hiii so I have a teeny tiny question to ask. I was just wondering- do you need more staff than fans or vice versa? <3
PapaGyu 4 years ago
Hi, I have a few questions about this concept ^^
Do the fans have to have jobs or would you like some obsessed NEETs that follow the groups around?
vinnivece 4 years ago
applied for ryujin who i happen to reserve four days ago but forgot my account's new password sorry for the delay!
shogun 4 years ago
jung jaehyun please
scampi 4 years ago
hi jungwoo invited me here can i get a third
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