This is my Life

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                                  This is my Life

   April 29, 1999 I was born at 6:30 am in the morning. When I was born,

  I was almost dropped like every other baby. But my story is a little different

   from other babies. Cause I remember being born and seeing the doctors

   and bright lights ragging in my eyes.

   When I was around six years old or so I'd been bullied from no reason what

   so ever. Most of the time by the fifth graders, they would spit on me after school.

   I tired my best to fight back but, I wasn't aware of what bulling was at the time. So

   I gave up on that.

   In fourth grade I'd moved to Connecticut in late October. The two years of school there

   were great, when I left Elementary school I was grateful. I was starting a new adventure,

   a new path to take. When I arrived at Roger's Park Middle school I kind of liked it, I'd been

   accepted into a program called STEM. I would say we were out casted from others sometimes.

   Well, most of time. When I got to some regular classes I was judged the most, manly because

   of the way I presented myself towards others. But, that's when the problems started.                                                                         

   After Christmas break, I began to basically freak out. I developed a lot of nervous breakdowns, I would get upset and frustrated more than i did as I young child. Most of the year 

    I was depressed, I stayed home and ate myself to sleep. I cause everyone around me problems and anger but also pain. I wasn't aware at the moment, I mean I was only eleven.

   Later that year I went for therapy, I would see a young women named Rachel once a week. She'd really helped me through most of my little problems, i still thank her to this day.

   But unfortunately I was still the same way. Later that year, like the last month of school I went back, people thought I'd been dead, which to be honest I didn't give to s if they did.

   The following year I'd been sent to seventh grade, since they knew my problems. And after that day I didn't go back, I went back into my depression mode. I hated the school. I hated the people.

   Mid November I went back to my home town, I got a therapist there and was assigned to medication. When I got to the middle school, everything remembered me from the past years of being in the

   Elementary. I was welcomed. I felt welcomed, more than ever. But then again there had been a problem, the work was hard since I'd miss like the whole year of sixth grade. Once more, I was sent back

   into depression mode. I was filed and was almost sent to a foster home until April I was put into a program within the school. There I felt like myself. It was a smaller environment, the work was for the 

   my pace. 

   But that was only half of the story. During sixth grade I was sent to a mental hospital. I'm not gonna go through but I will go through the one I liked. The second one was the amount of time I spent in

   school. Well, there was three of the hospitals. The first I met my very first real best bud named Johnny. I don't know why but we clicked in a sibling way, it was fun going to the mall. Not only that but

   meeting one of his friends. She was cool, but they told me something. And I don't plan on telling humans anytime soon, I don't know why they told me and no one else. I really think it's because they

   sensed something about me that was towards what they were. The second one brought me to my first real crush, we were pretty darn cute together. I miss her and I hope to see her in the High School

   this September. Once again, in seventh grade I was sent back to stay. I tried self harming myself, but the blade of the cutting knife wouldn't break through my skin. After that very third time I was ready

   to just get the out of that place. I wasn't like those other teenagers and kids, I was smart and wise. Then  came this year of eighth grade. It was not as bad, but I had some problems with certain

   people. But it was one of my best years I've had in a long time, not only that but I met my best bro Elijah. And were like siblings. Kind of like twins, if the others away. Their not complete. I graduated

   last week, this was the very last year for every grade. Our Middle School will be known as a sixth grade campus from now on. And the eighth grade class of 2012-2013 is known as the first and last.

   I'm grateful to say, I made it and that I'm the class of 2017. I'm ready to let my heart and soul to lead my path for the future, I've been told I have a great story because I've pushed through things that 

   others can. I've been told I made a story at that school, and to be honest I'm gonna continue it. I'm here to stay. I'm here to make a distance. I'm here because I've been told I can change the world, I

     know what I want. And I'm gonna work for it, cause my story hasn't end just yet.  ~ Jay Lee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   




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