♡ 아프로디테 a p h r o d i t e ; Goddesses of Love and M I L F S; ACTIVE! ~ Join our growing family today~ ♡♡

Tags kkt roleplay yuri 

**Clickbait Alert

Join aphrodite today!~ A yuri only kkt roleplay, active and looking for new family members! We just had a clean out so there are a lot of characters available <3 

ps: if you don't have an aff account, just comment down your desired face claim and kkt u/n in the comments below and you're in~! 


http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1237472/a-p-h-r-o-d-i-t-e-goddesses-of-love-and-m-i-l-f-s-active-join-our-growing-family-today-roleplay-yuri-girlxgirl-yuriroleplay-kakaotalk-yurirp-mobilerp-kakaotalkroleplay-yurionlyroleplay )





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