To Whom It May Concern: Important (Deoending on whether you care or not...)


I'm just giving a heads up now... I'm contemplating quitting role playing all together. I'm not sure when or how I'll do it but I just yeah...

I really, really don't want to since, most of the time, it feels/has felt like all I have but, lately, it's like I can't go one full week without a depressive episode of some sort and it makes me go days without being able to write anything and I feel like and know I am the worst rp partner because I just disappear for days, weeks, and sometimes months at a time without a word. It's hard for me to say anything because I literally have no motivation to do anything and even just saying "I don't think I'll be around for a while" or something like that feels so hard. And, lately, it just feels like I have no motivation to live to be honest and it makes it hard for me to write any and everything. I rp here, kakao, twitter... I deleted my app for Line a couple days ago(?) because everyone I rped with and/or talked to there was deleting and moving solely to KakaoTalk so yeah. I rp a little there but I just...I don't know. I really want to rp with everyone here and get motivated for my characters again and all but I just...quite literally hate myself so everything just... I'm not proud of anything I do or write anymore and just... I don't know. I really don't want to leave because I'll have nothing at all and I don't know what that'll do to me to be honest...

But, yeah, I don't know what to do...


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hippie 7 years ago
Honey, I am the exact same way. People havr been very patient with me on the slow role-playing thing. Most of us feel the same way, so we understand. <3 pm maybe?
Jin_Young 7 years ago
You shouldnt worry too much. Last year I also disappeared for quite a few months because I had no motivation. Then it suddenly came back. I also have someone here who I do with and we both reply like once a month or something haha. Just take your time and don't stress yourself over it. It's just a hobby after all.
bbc0adb2e9e9788434c2 7 years ago
Please focus on yourself. I hope you can feel better. If you need someone, feel free to talk to me! I would miss our rps together, I really do enjoy them and I think you write good, much better than I do. I also wouldn't mind, waiting for your replies. But of course I don't want to pressure you that you have to continue
dumbfoundead 7 years ago
I hope you can move past these hard times eventually.
I'll be here if you want to talk!
PurpleAnon 7 years ago
I will miss you. But if it takes you months before you come back, I'll wait. That happened to me too, to be honest. I was so enthusiastic when it comes to writing actual stories but all of a sudden, when I try to write again, it's all gone. It's just a matter of gusto when it comes to what you do. If this is not the time for you, or you really don't feel like it, don't force yourself. We'd always be here for you, waiting. RP when you want to, not when you can. We all need a break, even in RPing. Just don't hesitate to talk to us even in OOC, we will, don't worry~ <3
KpopMi-Hi 7 years ago
Have you tried talking to some of the people on your friends list? I know that we haven't spoken much, but it breaks my heart when people feel like they have no one to turn to. My inbox is always open and I am always here to talk if you need to. It feeling alone, I know.
Cheery45 7 years ago
:(((will miss youu
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