In a world where vampires and humans live amongst eachother, the vampires are segregated from humans for their violent tendencies and super powers. Humans come out during the day, vampires come out at night. However, one night, muse a works a later shift at work. While walking home from work that night, you get into a quarrel with a vampire who nearly kills you, muse b, but your able to escape without too much damage done. The next night, muse a bumps into muse b again, and the night after that, and the night after that. Eventually, somehow the two begin to feel for eachother. But can anything come of this forbidden love?
Muse B has been watching muse A For oh so long, studying their every move and motion to find out how to win them over. Muse B had girlfriends/boyfriends before, but oh, they had never felt anything like this. They were head over heels in love, they just had to have them. One night, when muse A is walking home from a late night shift at work, they’re approached by a strange man/woman, and that’s all they can remember the next morning, when they wake up in a strange room, in a strange house, next to a strange man/woman?
It’s mideval times, and your a peasant in your town who lives a relatively normal life. Until, one day, a theif comes knocking at your door. The theif points a knife to your throat, telling you that they are hiding from the Kings guards and that if you don’t let them stay with you they’ll kill you. You’re quiet life soon turns upside down as you forcefully hide this theif in your home
Muse B had been gathering facts about Muse A through their expert hacking abilities, studying everything about them: shopping history, movies, love interests, any way they could possibly woo them. One day, muse A starts receiving gifts from a stranger in the mail, first sweet, then they become more grim and gruesome. Finally, one day they get an email ordering them to follow their orders, or the people they love will drop dead. What will muse A do?
Its devils night, the night, the night before Halloween. While drunkenly stumbling your way home from a Halloween party. While you’re walking home, you begin to feel as if you are being followed by someone, or something. Little did you know that on this night, Devils night, the dimensional wall between hell and earth is broken for just one night, and the earth becomes a demonic playground. And said demon following you, will drag you to hell and make you their hellish groom/bride.
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