behind the scenes (*tags nocturn*)



+ personality

~extreme ambivert tbh, an extreme extrovert at times and also an extreme introvert at times
~highkey spirit animal is a puppy
~very expressive yet also very secretive
~is good at hiding emotions and showing them what i think would please the person i'm talking to
~highkey pretty good at flirting and roasting--
~the mom of all memes and a living meme myself, aka the momeme
~extremely random, weird, crazy, idiotic, and unpredictable
~has a different personality towards different people
~wildt af
~drama queen af
~jealous af
~not exactly boyish, not exactly girly either
~highkey everyone's mother
~cares and worries too much about everything
~despite being expressive, doesnt really know how tf to express
~is either a dainty smol cute little child or a wild ing hungry . theres no in between.
~skinship is baeeee
~sings like an angel, curses like a sailor
~chocolate and cheese are my baes
~rarely gets mad, fakefites a loooot
~tends to bottle up anger
~curses in english? normal. curses in korean? pfft, cute. curses in tagalog? ya better run while you can.
~is o b s s e s s e d with cute and dainty things 
~loves antique stuff
~just wants to be aesthetic and relatable
~has a weird habit of obssessing over a lot of things
~very objective when giving opinions
~is really good at resolving fights and helping others solve out misunderstandings
~can make a criticism sound like a compliment
~messes up mostly everything
~awkward and clumsy and sweet 28/11

+ appearance

~always, always, ALWAYS, dresses to impress
~can wear anything tbh
~honestly has really good fashion sense
~is incredibly smol (same height as simone biles)
~is always seen with a watch and a ring on both hands
~rarely wears make-up; has naturally pink, plump lips
~has braces
~curvy af 
~is the secretary of the big ie community 
~hair is dark brown bcs of chlorine
~is often mistaken for someone older
~has a very bright personality, yet ironically doesn't have loud colors in her closet
~thick af thighs 
~has really pretty fingers
~"mom feet"
~ears are tucked in
~blush pink, black, and white are my aesthetic colors
~has a really wide forehead
~loves converse (tbh sneakers in general) with a burning passion

+ relationships

~has had the "I'M YOUNG, I'N IN LOVE, AND IDGAF" phase but is completely over it now
~ooc has a crush----???
~had like, 3 MUs (2 of which are women) and 3 puppy love relationships that lasted a maximum of three weeks lmao
~is panromantic demiual
~had plenty of gay and lesbian crushes since i was young
~has been cheated on before (greatest love cheated on me twice w/ 2 of my best friends = stupidity in its finest)
~has liked a best friend for too many times
~got into a relationship twice simply for being a rebound

+ friendships

~can make friends with anyone but is really picky on who to stay with (ahem, ravenpuff tendencies)
~has been betrayed by people I treated as my sisters
~still trusts people anyways
~has friends everywhere, greets pretty much everyone
~pretty much is that friend everyone wants to have
~best friends are family
~has equal amounts of guy friends and girl friends

+ experiences??

~rode a small boat, a plane, a train, a tricycle, a ferry boat, and a jeepney
~accidentally broke someone's thumb before
~at least 4 of my toes have alrdy been broken
~sprained an ankle once
~confined in the hospital for a least a week every year since i was 1 until  was 8 because of different kinds of sicknesses
~doesn't know what to do with all my medals and trophies
~competitive swimmer for 3 years but went on hiatus for 1 year
~has never gone to any other country
~closest thing i ever drank to wine was non-alcoholic grape juice
~ate fried frogs before
~went white water rafting before
~has tried several ziplines
~confessed to two people via poem, confessed to someone via letter, confessed to someone via self-composed song
~is an actual tambourine dancer
~has a scar on my right hand from a blade cut i had when i was barely two years old

+ music

~has an incredibly weird and out-of-the-blue taste in music
~listens to songs from the 50s tbh
~listens to a lot of indie
~obvi loves kpop
~rock and alternative is hnnnggg (SHOUT OUT TO MY PARAMORE FAM OUT THERE)
~bands are < 3
~opm is luuuvvv
~listens to a lot of unknown music
~nugu top 40 i only know top 40 frm '90-'13
~actually appreciates screamo sometimess

+ family

~lives with mom, grandma, and grandaunt
~singe child (??)
~has a stepsister and a future stepsister
~is really close with stepsister
~still in good terms with dad
~mom is an absolute best friend
~close with both mom's side and dad's side

+ hair

~recently cut my hair shorter, like chaeyoung's on ooh ahh era
~hair grows back really fast
~hair is naturally very soft and smooth
~very very very very very straight, no matter what you do to it, its still gonna be straight 30 minutes afterwards
~always have people braiding it when i still have very long hair
~hair once reached up to my
~never had it colored
~hair products fluctuate monthly

+ school

~always the model student
~has never talked back to a teacher before
~rarely gets into trouble anyways
~rarely absent, pretty much only when im really sick
~always the class president in elementary
~perfects a test 40% of the time
~never failed a test
~never had a grade lower than 89
~never had an average lower than 90
~had a 100 and a 99 on a card before
~never lost top 1 spot in elementary; was valedictorian when grade 6
~still among high honors in high school
~joins literally every competition i could get my hands on
~is always the class mom
~is always the group leader
~pretty much works well with ppl
~is good at impromptu explanations
~is always complimented by teachers on my way of explaining things
~highkey a performer; always in charge of teaching the choreography and leading the choir
~was bullied a lot in elementary
~not a teacher's pet, more like a teacher's volunteer helper
~clean record with the grade moderator's office



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b48895fd4e9441bcd594 7 years ago
d abs
i, a very proud ki(nk)ckass unnie
dd3703e99bea14368b75 7 years ago
shinyechan 7 years ago
~never had a grade lower than 89

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