At some point...


at some point...

love fades

life fades

feelings fade

ink fades

paintings fade

colors fade

the haze fades

yet i'm still under your clouds of smoke

doing my best not to drown

not to choke

all i can seem to do is inhale you in

the regrets of the things i have

and haven't said

filling my lungs

weighing on my thoughts

pressing on my nerve points

my pressure points

but i won't say a word

i won't let you know

i won't tell you that i think about the times we once had

i won't tell you that i miss you a lot

that i miss the you i once had

the me that i once was

i won't tell you that i feel you slipping away

that there's this distance that's gradually growing between us

because you'll be free once you let go of me

once you let go of me

i'll be free

because i can't seem to let go on my own

so at some point

i'll just fade

and it'll all be okay again


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