The most offensive post I've ever made - and will ever write in my entire life, probably-

Status [M]

I want you to read this. Carefully.

Because I’ve sat myself down over the past couple of days and the weekend - and thought about things that bother me, that drag me down and make me feel miserable about a lot of things.

This blog post is sectioned into three parts. If you don’t care about one part, feel free to skip.

Please keep in mind that this is merely my opinion and I am aware that I am only human and I am not right just because it’s MY opinion, no matter how firmly I believe in the things I say. I am human and I want to be educated about life and other people’s beliefs. Easy as that. You should be able to think that way too


Part 1: Friendship

I’ve come to a point, where I think I punish myself by surrounding myself with people, who are toxic.
This is merely a thing to keep in mind while reading the following paragraph.

Why is it, that we have to cling to people, who don’t give two flying s about us? Why do we put ourselves in situations, where we just want to ask the other person: Do you even care about me? Are you as supportive as I am to you? Because, if you’ve ever sat there, talking to someone (text, face to face, it really doesn’t matter) and you feel as if the other person never asks about you, never cares for the things you are passionate about and they don’t even ask you anymore how your day was - then why don’t you speak up? Of course you should not expect other people to give you the same amount of support etc because then you’d have to ask yourself “am I doing this because I am truly believing in this person, or just because I want some butter for my own soul?” Are you fishing for compliments, support and recognition, or are you truly on board with whatever this person does?

But here is the thing: Stop treating your friends like .

Stop making them feel as if you’re just talking to yourself, ABOUT yourself - as if you’re dismissing them and their feelings. Stop being self-absorbed. Sit your down and ask yourself one question:

Am I a good friend?

Because - and lets be honest about that - friends are important. They are just as important as your family and if you feel like you love someone (non-romantically of course), then stop treating them as if they don’t ing matter to you. Pull your head out of your and point a finger at yourself.

Ask yourself: how can I be a better friend?

For starters, you could stop talking for a second and take a moment to text someone: Hey, I love you, hope you have a great day! You could stop for a second and tell someone, completely random: I am proud of you.

Stop. Being. Egoistic.

Stop talking about yourself and yourself only.

Stop forcing other people to have the same interest as you do.

Sharing is caring, yes, but some people don’t care about the same things you do and you should be respectful and loving enough to accept that and take a ing minute out of your monologue, to ask them about their interest, about the things THEY love.


I want you to ing sit down and think: Is there something I am doing wrong with my friends? Am I treating them the right way? Is there something that doesn’t seem important to me, but maybe to them it is? Am I hurting someone? IF YOU ANSWER ANY OF THOSE POINTS WITH A YES!!! ING!!! CHANGE!!! IT!!!!


Stop behaving like the sun. The world does not evolve only around you. Period.


And yes, we need to talk.  


Part 2: What we need in 2018 and what we don’t need in 2018

Please, internet, tear down those walls you’re creating between cultures and races.

There, I said it. We should stop being an over-sensitive, overly correct society and get offended over every little thing.
Ok, so before you pull out the torches and pitchforks, hear me out:

We HAVE to address racism.

We HAVE to address equality.

We HAVE to address abusive relationships and problems mother earth has to face by giving us a home every single day for millions of years.


But do we have to create barriers between people by doing so?

We are dividing humanity because we get so offended, we don’t take a second to think about what we are doing. We are creating hatred, where there should be understanding, mistrust where there should be open arms.

We have to accept, that in 2018, we should not care about someone’s skin color or religion, or ual orientation. We have to fight for equality - not only for gender equality, but EVERY POSSIBLE WAY OF EQUALITY. And yet, we should do so without creating borders between who we are, our religion, our ual orientations and skin colors. We should accept and understand, that we are one race, we bleed the same color, we have the same base of DNA. And most of all: WE SHOULD ACCEPT THAT NOT EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD IS THE SAME. Not every place in the world is the USA.  Not every country in the world is Europe. And so on and so on.

By attacking people and always pulling the skin color card, you are not making it better. You are making it WORSE. For everybody. Because the people, who truly WORK for equality, instantly get associated with those, who spread hatred, who think they are “woke” when in reality they don’t even understand what they are talking about. (“fake woke” as we called them in a conversation I had)


Do people really think that things will change by hating each other for what we are?

Do we have a choice? Yes, we ing do. We can spread awareness by doing so calmly, by STARTING something that is called ACCEPTANCE. LIVE AND LET LIVE.

Educate people by doing so calmly, not by raising a gun to their head and beating them up over the fact that they might have a different opinion than you do.


Y’all act high and mighty, as if you know everything in the world (give Einstein a call, he could learn something from you) but in the end you do nothing but build walls, where there shouldn’t be any.

We are one race, one planet. Stop dividing us. I beg you.


Did your parents scream at you, beat you up and call you a piece of because you ing shat your pants when you were little? No? Then don’t ing do that if someone makes a mistake they might not even be aware of doing! That’s all. There. Have some tea.

Alright, some of you could say that there is a difference between being a child and being an adult - and yes there is - but think about the way someone was raised, where they grew up and HOW they grew up. Treat them like a toddler. Educate them. Take their hand and say

“No, Susan, you can’t say that. Because.”

(please don’t tag along an insult. People will not listen to you if you insult them. Facts)

Do we need an alien invasion so humanity has a foe they can fight as one race, so we can ing understand that we are not obligated to keep dividing ourselves?


Part 3: Writing

I’m letting this go.

All of it. All of my expectations, my wishes, the hurt I feel when thinking about it.

I will not address something that has been talked about before.

But why can’t we ing change it? Why do we have to be toxic, play High School on RPR`?

You can’t sit with us, you’re not a popular person. Oh, hello every Teen Drama in the world.

What have we become.



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e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 6 years ago
I've fifty fifty views. Twp sides of coins. but self-pitying should be stopped for invalid reasons.
AcePanda 6 years ago
love this, make you president
BigBangtheory 6 years ago
I found this so educational and so blessfully wonderful to read, this was just everything I wanna say plus some liek this is just wonderful and so true.
Jiminxxi 6 years ago
Finally. A fellow intellectual.
Vivaldi 6 years ago
SeHYUNG 1 hour ago Reply
aemint 3 hours ago Reply Replies
girl you went o f f. I’ve been blessed, I’m proud of you.
SeHYUNG 6 years ago
aemint 3 hours ago Reply Replies
girl you went o f f. I’ve been blessed, I’m proud of you.
huimang 6 years ago
I really felt that all the way here in Texas.
lemonster 6 years ago
you're spitting gold and its truly wonderful. i get how some people can offended by it b ut gaddamn i agree with your post. so much.
Ku_Yuri 6 years ago
Oh love... I wish I was at home so i could just sit and talk to you... V.V
kagaki 6 years ago
Even though I agree with most of your second point, I honestly have mixed feelings about it in general.
sprezzatura 6 years ago
girl you went o f f. I’ve been blessed, I’m proud of you.
-skillet 6 years ago
I wish i could preach this to everyone out there.
lily_p 6 years ago
I do not find this blog offensive at all, in fact I think it's very inspiring and well written + I agree with your messages
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