Q + A -- Roleplay promo

Tags roleplaypromo 

Q: What exactly is "DF"? 
A: "DF" will be a survival band show just like "Produce 101" or "idol manager" - with all the challenges, team missions and broadcast shows. People can apply as trainees and will be sorted into teams - by rolling a dice (if a team is full, it's not available anymore) but you can also join the rp as a staff member. We will have a "open positions" section in the RP where people can check for other occupations than being a trainee. If you join us and want to help us admin, you will end up being a judge, nothing else.

Q: but how will trainees win challenges / win shows? 
A: We will have a point system for events (we have a weekly event where you can earn points for your team, or as a staff member, you can earn points for yourself). Those points will be added to the team "account" and will unlock rewards. As for the broadcasting shows, members of the rp, including staff and judges, will roll a dice - the results will be added together and the total will determine the winner team / trainee. 

Q: What kind of events will be waiting for the people, who join the RP?
A: Currently, we have six events planned - plus the weekly event I already mentioned - which are about the show itself, as well as some that are only for ONE person or TWO. The events aren't mandatory, but if members of the RP can't join an event, they should notify an admin. 

Q: How will teams clear challenges? 
A: Well, that's easy. As mentioned before, they have to notify an admin that they cleared the challenge. Team points can be used to upgrade the dorms, get bigger dorms etc. It's a running system that will grow over time , the more people we have in the RP. 

Q: Will you accept reservations before the RP opens?
A: I'm debating that, actually. I don't want people to reserve a character, only to end up never showing up to claim their character. That isn't fair for the admins, who work hard on this RP for several weeks already - nor is it fair, if anybody else might want the character and won't join because this character is their main muse. 

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below! 


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AcePanda 6 years ago
omg, i actually will reserve a character when they open cause like... I know who I want to be.
SeHYUNG 6 years ago
I am actually really excited for this
Vivaldi 6 years ago
♡♡♡♡ u v u
s c reams
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