.... Do NOT poke my ing wall. If you didn't get a response, maybe it's because I don't wanna ing talk to you.
and another thing I hate that one particular person does...in a room if she's ignored or doesn't get a response, she'll post a [?] until they do. Again, I'll say this once. MAYBE THEY DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!
heres a hint on why: You're role playing skills my Dear. SOME BIG MOTHERING BALLS. And English is your first language, how saddening.
People piss me off. Mostly because they're needy and if you don't give them attention they'll pester and beg. Partly because....age. I think the lack of writing ability is due to age. Let me put it this way...if you're not of or above the age of 15, don't ing join a roleplay. is difficult to write, and tackling it when you have no technique? Idiotic. People don't respond to you, because your is boring as . Because they aren't attracted to it, aren't perhaps. When the libido for rp acts up, YOU MURDER IT.
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