it's kinda sad when you lose what little motivation and drive and inspiration you have. in a general sense, i have, but as far as roleplay republic goes, i just... it's depressing a bit. i used to be so passionate about roleplays, used to care so much about layouts, used to be so motivated to do things, but now i think i'm just dying out. no matter how many rps i join, no matter how many i make, no matter what layouts i code, no matter what i do, i just can't find myself really enjoying it, y'know? and in no way do i mean for this to be one of those "i'm leaving the site" blogs, but like... is this a sign of the end of my time here? are the curtains finally closing? at this point, i have no idea.
what's even worse is i don't want this to be the end of my roleplaying career. i genuinely enjoy roleplaying and coding and everything that rpr stands for, but i don't know what to do. i feel like i've exhausted all my resources. i've even tried rping on different platforms to gain muse, and for a while, it worked, but sometimes i wonder when even that will make me fizzle out. i just... i don't know guys.
everyone keeps saying rpr is boring now, that it's dying now, but like... no matter what some of us do about that to try and combat that, it feels like not enough of us really care about fixing the issue. and i think this is part of why i've become so jaded, why i'm losing hope. over the past few years, i've been making and remaking all sorts of aus, semiaus, and sometimes nonaus almost monthly so that people can have a place to write, a place to creatively explore. over the past few years, i've joined countless roleplays so that i can have a place to do the same, but if i'm honest, i'm starting to gain this "what's the point?" mentality.
i don't like it. not one bit.
it kind of upsets me that part of me wants to join in with the folks that go "why try?" and the like. as much as i still want to try, i don't know if i can. i don't want to give up, but like... what else is there to do? i can't keep ting out rps and i can't keep joining 4943024032 rps if things are just going to be the same in the end. it's frustrating and insane to continue this cycle.
rpr is what you make it, yes, but a handful of people can't change the whole damn site and make it better for not only themselves, but the people around them too. or maybe they can, i don't know, but at this point i doubt it. i'm just tired, i think, and i feel like i'm losing what little enjoyment i got out of being here as time passes, i guess... i want to change this, but i don't in know what to do about it anymore. can y'all relate? do you have any suggestions? i don't want to be stuck thinking about this and feeling this. :")
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