RPR Concerns: What are your thoughts? (Looking for feedback)

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note: blog is clipped. scroll down for more content.

roleplayrepublic has a special place in my heart and it always will. it was a place where i can let my imagination loose, experiment with ideas and interact with like-minded and creative people - the key word here is was.

recently, i have been seeing a decline in quality - not with the website itself but with my fellow roleplayers and the roleplays themselves.

now, i just want to clarify i don't mean the lack of aurps (because everyone tends to give more praise to those who challenge reality) i like to keep an open-mind and i would like to believe there is potential in non-au rps when they are done right. so far, no one has really cracked the code on how to keep these type of idol/slice of life/ooc rps engaging and appealing.

it does not help when there is the consistent groups of people who showcase toxic behavior and the inability to separate their character personas from their personal lives.

it’s a little troubling.

i would like to stay as neutral as possible in this post but let’s be honest with ourselves, we are all thinking of someone or even a group of people upon reading the statement above. these types of people consistently bring the mood down in public spaces, complain when the center of attention is not on them or just general douchebag and selfish behavior. to clarify, this is different from the people who genuinely do feel left out from the public chatrooms because people tend to pick and choose who they talk to.

when i first started here, roleplayrepublic was a place that blew my mind. like, here is a platform - a FREE platform, mind you - that was going to let me pretend to be someone else without having to commit to fanfiction or facebook accounts.

for those of you who don’t know, the reason why this wonderful website exists in the first place is because the owner saw an influx of roleplaying ads back in asianfanfics (which was also created because winglin disappeared - please don’t quote me on that. i will have to fact check). these ads were mostly for facebook roleplays. you would have to apply through asianfanfics and then make this face facebook account and etc etc. it was a tedious process, plus your account could get closed and it was a whole process.

anyway, the fact that this site even exists still amazes me to this day because it’s such a niche community.

honestly, i think people tend to take this place for granted. as of right now, i can’t exactly list the reasons why but it just feels that way. if you feel sympathetic or understand what i mean then maybe you can share your thoughts below. i would love some insight.

there are more things i’d like to discuss and expand on but this is a more ramble/rant type of blog and for the more specific topics i’d like to collect my thoughts more, maybe even collect some data.

besides that, I hope a lot of you would take the time to share your thoughts in the comments below, especially if you feel love for this place as much as i do.


if you’re not sure on what to comment exactly but would still like to share here are a few questions that you don’t necessarily have to answer but could give you an idea as to what ideas i’d love to hear more about:

  1. what do you think of the whole cliques situation? do hate it or don’t mind? have you ever felt left out because of it? how to change it?

  2. should there be a separation between in characters personas and our real life personalities completely? somewhere in the middle?

  3. do you prefer aurps or non-au rps?

  4. regarding non-au rps: what makes them appealing to those who like them? otherwise, if you’re not a fan, what are some suggestions you have that could make them more appealing?

  5. toxic people: have you ever encountered anyone who exhibits toxic behavior? (please don’t mention any usernames or names in the comment below.)

  6.  do you think the quality of roleplays is actually declining?


that’s it for now and i hope i hear feedback!   also if my thoughts seem to be all over the place, it's because this post is just a mini rant for many different things.

note: if you’re uncomfortable with sharing your thoughts below then feel free to send me a private message. if you’re worried that my opinions may sway for one thing or another, i would like to be open to different points of views and i just want a nice open discussion about these topics.


thank you very much and have a nice day!

- iris


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--newgirl 6 years ago
1) Cliques would always happen no matter where you are. Even in outside of rpr. It tend to happen when you have friends. Well, there's no way to change it. The only thing that we can do is just try to blend in or find other cliques that is more suit to us.

2) Of course there should be one. In here, we're just pretending to be someone else. But, that doesn't mean like we have to be someone else completely. No matter how hard we try to be someone else, our traits and habits tend to come out sometime. So, no running from your real self here. ^^

3) I prefer au rps more so i'm a bit free to do what i want~

4) I'm not sure what is appealing about the non-au rps. But from my experience before i went on a long hiatus, i think the appealing part is the idol that they pick itself. If the idol is well known, i guess people tend to like them more.

5) Yeah, i did before. But, i think that person isn't here anymore. So, just some history i don't want to remember~

6) Ugh, couldn't deny this. It does now. People are just lazy to rp now and that's why a lot of the best rps before closed down now.
sway_ldh 6 years ago
1) Cliques will happen no matter roleplay republic or any other platform.
2) yes and no because it depends on the person ‘s real life personality and if it fits the character’s actual personality
3 non au
e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 6 years ago
slaps a heart.
ima post a blog soon bub.
inhales 6 years ago
1. cliques would have eventually happen. it was bound to happen, y'know. everyone finds their own niche to go too, a group of people that makes the individual happy and comforted. it doesn't have to be necessarily bad but it comes across that way. personally, i don't hate it but i don't like it. maybe because i don't have a clique but i have observe who are the ones to engage and who doesn't. from what i observe, those in cliques will tend to read over the other. i feel left out multiple times but it happens. it won't stop so what you have to do is move on. don't let it get you down. you will find a home somewhere else, i think. i doubt there's a way to stop it unless individuals on this site do a 180.

2. yes and no. we all add a bit of ourselves in our character. that's why we feel the pain in our character when they go through ic drama. it's okay to feel your character. it's okay to add a trait of yourself in your character. now it becomes bad when you are too deeply affected by it that you drag others in your ship of misery. it's really somewhere in the middle. though, we need to have the distinctions and its obvious that some people don't have that.

3. i prefer au. i am more a 3rd pov rper so that would be my best bet. for non au, people tend to act ooc with just a face claim and how to gain attention is mainly through humor, and i'm not funny.

4. the fact that you are free. with aus, you are restricted in a sense to always be in character the majority of the time. it's easy to act like yourself without having to think of what your character should sound. the humor. the attention. it's easy and fast paced. i don't have much suggestions since i barely ever join non au so.

5. yes. all the time. there's people who exhibit toxic behavior (we all most likely displayed it at one point lmao) but it's up for us to mature.

6. yes and no. i mean i think it's fine but like compare it to the past, there's a difference. plus, roleplay is all about portraying a different personality, so it would help if we stuck in the ic department but shrug emoji
pixels 6 years ago
forgive me if this is typed weird and doesn't flow well or make sense. it is currently around 5 in the morning and my brain gave up long ago, but i still wanna respond.

1: what do you think of the whole cliques situation? do hate it or don’t mind? have you ever felt left out because of it? how to change it?
— honestly, i don't care about the whole cliques thing that frequently gets brought up because we all have our own little groups of friends we like to talk to. birds of a feather flock together and it's natural to stick to your own little flock, but that's not to say you stay exclusive to it. that is one of the biggest problems with people cliquing up these days and why a lot of us are feeling left out and like we don't belong. often times, i witness it happening, yes, but one specific occurrence of it from a year or two ago sticks out in my memory often.

i was in a roleplay where, long story short, if you weren't in one of two kpop groups, an admin, or just one of the better known members of the roleplay, you practically didn't exist. there would be times when the chat was going a mile a minute, yes, but even tagging people or messaging them on walls would only get you so far. not only this, but what they would talk about and do in the chat was a MAJOR turn off for some of the more lowkey members. like, the rp was sooooo exclusive and sooooo messy at the time it was hard NOT to feel awkward and off and even left out when there, but like with everything else in life, the rp and it's members just needed some time to grow out of it.

if we want to change the fact that people are feeling left out, we first need to learn how to branch out of our circles and get to know people of other circles, wallflowers, and basically anyone we don't normally talk to on a daily basis. we need to stop being exclusive and we need to learn how to be more... public friendly i guess. because it's not just being exclusive that's a problem. sometimes it's the topics we all talk about or things we do in a chat that scare people away and/or make them feel lost on how to properly participate and contribute to the chat. sometimes, that is what makes us feel left out.

it's also good to keep in mind that not everyone is going to care about whether you're feeling welcome and make you feel wanted. sad, it is, but it's true. sometimes we as individuals need to get out of our comfort zones and like... make a place for ourselves, rather than waiting for everyone else to open up. what i sometimes do before joining new roleplays is check for at least one person i know/know of and can talk to, because 9 times out of 10, there always is someone. and even if there isn't, i see it as an opportunity to get to know new people, to try out new things and learn what's going on in other people's worlds rather than my own. but often times, tbh, idgaf whether or not i fit in, and i do my own thing, focus on how to make myself happy. in the end, i'm here to roleplay and occasionally code, not fit in with people.

2: should there be a separation between in characters personas and our real life personalities completely? somewhere in the middle?
— i feel like there should be a separation in a sense that we're not doing what we do in nonaus here now. like, yeah, we get lazy sometimes and forget to use brackets and such, but we need to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, this is a roleplaying site, not a social media network where we talk about how stressed we are bc of tests or whatever. if you go to other platforms (at least in my experience), they don't really focus on their ooc selves as much as we do here and spend more time making connections, plotting, and doing things for their character or in character more than they spend talking about their personal lives. in the end, i guess aiming for some kind of middle ground would be best, but i think we need to put more of our focus on roleplaying and being ic... if this response makes sense.

3: do you prefer aurps or non-au rps?
— au rps, hands down. i like having the ability to explore different worlds and settings and situations, and i like to be able to play around with or play out the ideas i have in my head. i like aus because they give me a chance to be creative and creatively express myself. not to say i don't like nonaus, i do from time to time, but i feel like there is more freedom with aus, and like it's easier to immerse yourself in whatever role you have.

4: regarding non-au rps: what makes them appealing to those who like them? otherwise, if you’re not a fan, what are some suggestions you have that could make them more appealing?
— i think what makes them appealing is the fact that they tend to be more laidback and less uptight when it comes to letting loose your wild side, but i honestly don't know what the appeal is. especially nowadays. all a lot of nonaus are are ooc hangouts with minimal and lazy rping, if any. people aren't even bothering to put up rooms like they used to for them, and if they do, they're practically for decoration rip. i think nonaus would be cooler if they did more ic things and focused on rping, though, and i can't really think of anything else to say right now about it as far as suggestions go.

5: toxic people: have you ever encountered anyone who exhibits toxic behavior? (please don’t mention any usernames or names in the comment below.)
— rip i have. on here and on other platforms. but i agree with cancel on this one. all of us have been toxic at some point in our lives, and all of us evolve and shift into a better person eventually.

6: do you think the quality of roleplays is actually declining?
— i mean, i kind of do, but at the same time, i also agree with cancel again. i think we just lack the time and energy to properly care for and put effort into the roleplays we produce, and i think we need to remind ourselves that, again, this is a roleplaying site before it is anything else. sure, all the other stuff is nice, but we're supposed to be here to roleplay. it seems like there is a small amount of us willing to take the time to make well thought out roleplays or even just roleplays where laziness isn't the main thing driving us to not care enough about what we're doing here. i think the quality of roleplays has somewhat declined mostly because of that (laziness) and that it has declined because we're more ooc than we need to be, but i also know change is inevitable and naturally, things will begin to deteriorate with time. there is only so much we can do before it's time to just call it a day. and i don't think we're at that point yet (there is still so much we can do to improve rps), but we're definitely recognizing a problem.
mentalist 6 years ago
1. i don't mind cliques. cliques are nice to be in but i dislike that these cliques tend to exclude anyone and everyone else who joins the roleplay. others tend to get ignored and they feel unwelcome, heck once i saw the admin themselves ignoring certain people who post on the rooms and favour their own clique/character's love interest. how to change it? well, if the rp's theme focuses on being welcome to everyone and guaranteeing everyone will have a place in it and will fit in, maybe people will actually bother with at least greeting everyone else until they find people who they are comfortable with.

2. somewhere in the middle could be nice. i like those rps that have those random chat rooms where you can go crazy and say whatever even ooc, but have rooms that are strictly ic. somedays you're just tired or can't be bothered to get in muse.

3. i- don't have a preference. if it's an au i like, i prefer au-rp. if it's non-au i love it as long as it's not cliquey.

4. well, i guess it's because non-au isnt exactly them being in their idol persona. it's just people using a faceclaim and being themselves (ooc) while talking so it takes no effort. i'm guilty of this myself. when i'm in non-au rps i just say whatever i wanna say as if i'm on twitter.

5. hmmm, not recently- just people who ignore me and things but that's it. nothing truly toxic yet, but i've only come back here recently.

6. ....it is. especially with non-au. i'm starting to forget how it is to truly rp, which is getting into a character that is unlike your own. i'm starting to become more ooc here, i don't like that. hopefully this would result in some solutions.

thank you for this post!
cancel 6 years ago
1. I don't mind cliques mostly because hey, you're always going to find groups of people who are highly known for a certain reason in every situation. if I don't fit in, I move on elsewhere to find somewhere I'm more comfortable to be. you have to accept the fact that you're not suitable for certain environments(which can be due to many reasons)

2. yes, but also a middle ground? our charas are most likely carrying traits we also have in a sense. as long as it's not strictly ooc.

3. au rps. non aus here are basically ooc everyone behind a faceclaim lmao.

4. friends. crack. a laidback environment without many rules. the lack of effort needing to be put in when it comes to rping - if there is any in the first place. a suggestion - not making it strictly ooc? actually be ic.

5. all the ing time eh, but all of us evolve and sometimes reach a ty part of our lives before we shift into a better person. we were all once ty, some might still be ty and some will grow to be ty.

6. change is bound to happen and since rpr was extremely successful in its younger years at a faster rate, it was bound to reach a change frantically as well. I wouldn't say its necessarily declining? people just lack time or have forgotten what it takes to have a good rp.
lilsnowflake [A] 6 years ago
i also encourage you guys to spread this around to more people on the site. it would just be great to hear some insights for a lot of people
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