The "get to know the author" nobody asked for

Tags askdrkell 

1)  is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?

Yes actually. I've been procrastinating on a couple of them because I don't know if they're "fanfiction" material or even "RPR plot" usable

2)  what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?

I don't think I would say I'm embarrassed about any of them. Do I like them? Nah. Am I embarrassed I ever wrote them? Hell nah.

3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?

Front to back. And there are no exceptions. Ever. Ask psychologist! She knows the struggle of me writing because I refuse to skip scenes. 

4) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?

I'm proud to be a writer. I don't care anymore what people say about that honestly. No writer should ever be ashamed of being one. Do you guys think the woman who turned her Twilight fanfiction into a BILLION dollar franchise is embarrassed about it being a fanfiction? I don't think so, honey. 

5) favorite genre to write

Fantasy and dystopian

6) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?

I listen to music, I look at picture prompts on tumblr, I watch a movie or play video games that fit my writing anesthetic. It's a lot I can do to inspire myself ngl 

7) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?

It depends. WITH people, no noise just music. ALONE, background noise like television or something and music. 

8) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?

The flow of my stories. The character development and plot lining actually. Not every scene is a BIG plot event. So I'd say my pacing. 

9) do you make playlists for your current wips?

Oh yes I do. And tbh they but I love them

10) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?

Don't let people tell you, writing is not a good hobby or just something lonely people do. Don't let them tell you, there is no point in writing. You do you and do what you love. 

11) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?

​​​​​​There is a German book my dad loved, my mom loved and my grandma loved as well. It called "Märchenmond" which translated to fairytale moon I guess and it's something that influenced my childhood relationship with books. I actually have my mom's own copy of the book, still, and it's my most precious thing on the shelf. Eragon influenced me as well, tho. 

12) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?

The spreadsheets from hell actually. I write them by hand. And one of my best friends, who is unlucky enough to be the one I whine to when I have a writers block 

13) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story​​​​​​? 

1: I know 9 ways to kill a person with a knife that prevents them from screaming. Don't ask why and yes it sounds creepy. 

2: I know way too much about the human brain and how it works. 

3: I could develop a zombie virus in theory and that COULD work. Thank God I'm not a super villain or smart enough to actually do that. 

4: I learned about a couple of terminal illnesses that are terrible and . God, we need to have a talk on Sunday. 

5: and last but not least I planned a completely possible road trip from Chicago to Seattle (my brother and I are thinking about doing that one ok let me live) and did you know it only takes you 31 hours by car?


This whole thing was probably super boring and unnecessary for me to even do but I kinda wanted to since all my rpr friends seem to do those questionnaires lately hah


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erigom 6 years ago
ive never asked for this more and i loved every moment of it
i, as someone who has been writing since they were 10
kinda really want to do this as well
Ku_Yuri 6 years ago
Why is everything about you so cute x3
SeHYUNG 6 years ago
I love this and you
kagaki 6 years ago
Have you ever published your writing anywhere?
Vivaldi 6 years ago
"5) favorite genre to write
Fantasy and dystopian. "

b l e e s s s ss
Vivaldi 6 years ago
thank you for not making this 100 questions istg i don't even know 100 things about myself--- i wouldn't want to read 100 things about anyone else
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