I took the enneagram

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  • Type 5: The Investigator

Investigators have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Be independent, not clingy.
  • Speak in a straightforward and brief manner.
  • I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts.
  • Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am feeling uncomfortable.
  • Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity.
  • If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place.
  • don't come on like a bulldozer.
  • Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music, overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy.

What I Like About Being a Five

  • Standing back and viewing life objectively.
  • Coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects.
  • My sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure.
  • Not being caught up in material possessions and status.
  • Being calm in a crisis.

What's Hard About Being a Five

  • Being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world.
  • Feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all.
  • Being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be.
  • Watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or technical skill, do better professionally.        


Type 7: The Enthusiast

Enthusiasts are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.

How to Get Along with Me

  • Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
  • Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
  • Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
  • Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
  • Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
  • Don't tell me what to do.

What I Like About Being a Seven

  • Being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down.
  • Being spontaneous and free-spirited.
  • Being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
  • Being generous and trying to make the world a better place.
  • Having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures.
  • Having such varied interests and abilities.

What's Hard About Being a Seven

  • Not having enough time to do all the things I want.
  • Not completing things I start.
  • Not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career.
  • Having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies.
  • Feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship.  

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union with others and the world around them.

How to Get Along with Me

  • If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially don't like expectations or pressure.
  • I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advatage of this.
  • Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit.
  • Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge me gently and nonjudgmentally.
  • Ask me questions to help me get clear.
  • Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery.
  • Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings.
  • I like a good discussion but not a confrontation.
  • Let me know you like what I've done or said.
  • Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life.

What I Like About Being a Nine

  • Being nonjudgmental and accepting.
  • Caring for and being concerned about others.
  • Being able to relax and have a good time.
  • Knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around.
  • My ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good mediator and facilitator.
  • My heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and now.
  • Being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe.

What's Hard About Being a Nine

  • Being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive.
  • Being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline.
  • Being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch of the mouth personally.
  • Being confused about what I really want.
  • Caring too much about what others will think of me.
  • Not being listened to or taken seriously.


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bigsadenergy 6 years ago
where do y’all even take this test
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