audio journal day 319


"Daily log, we're on day, uhm.... 319. November 15th. So I..... *deep sigh* it's, uh, been a day since that freak storm. I know yesterday's log was pretty nonsensical, sorry. I was freaked out and trying to squeeze it into a 3 minute taxi ride. Anyway, as soon as I woke up after being struck by lightning or whatever, I did what any sane person would do. I went to the hospital, expecting the absolute worse. I mean, it's a mirale that I'm even alive right now, so something had to be wrong, right? Only, the doctor said nothing was wrong. He tried to hide is totally freaked out face, but I saw it. I caught it and I'm pretty sure I had the same look. How could I be okay after being hit by lightning? *prolonged paused, followed by deep sigh* So, I, uhm, asked him to retest a few times. They all came back the same: I was totally fine. I asked again but he told me I had to go. I was taking up space that someone in worse condition could use. So...I went home. I ate a really sad dinner of....I don't- I don't even remember, it was that *hollow laugh* and, uh, I went to bed. I was exhausted. Work was . Some almost hit me with his car. Then I got struck by lightning. Long day but nothing was too out of the ordinary. That is...until a few minutes ago. I woke up to the sounds of my alarm. It was blaring and it seemed so much worse this time compared to any other day. When I finally managed to turn it off, I expected everything to be silent - well, not everything. I have a neighbor that likes to blast his music when he showers - I think I've talked about him before on here...Anyway, I heard that. But, I heard so much more. I heard voices. A-and I'm hearing them now and they won't shut up. They wont- they won't shut up no matter how much I try to make them shut up. I put on my headphones, hoping that would help. It does, but not one-hundred percent. I can still hear the voices, just....muffled. They all sound like my nieghbors, only...uh....I-I don't know how to explain it....It doesn't sound like stuff they'd say out loud or like they're talking to anyone at all. It sounds more like....streams of concsious-- thoughts! It sounds like their thoughts. I know that sounds weird. I don't how else to explain it though. I don't want to sound crazy or anything, but I think I might be hearing my neighbor's thoughts. *heavy sigh* I hope it stops soon. I don't think I can take this all day...shower dude is super depressing and the lady across the hall is kind of a creep. A-anyway, this is getting long. I'll, uh, keep you updated. I promise."

ϟ coming soon 111818  ϟ

111418 - in the news 1/2
111518 - audio journal

111618 - narrative; reservations
111718 - in the news 2/2
111818 - opening day


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monokyo 6 years ago
You’ve caught my attention ouo
minzee 6 years ago
i'm intrigued;;;;;
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