Random Roleplay Idea: City AU that surrounds small businesses


It's a very ambitious idea that I know won't really ever take off, but I just wanted to share my idea out loud so that I'll finally stop thinking about it! :) 

Here is how I was thinking about how the roleplay would function: 

- Instead of generic coffee shops, random occupations, and a lack of in-character community, there will be businesses with owners, managers, and staff that interact with each other and with customers. With this idea, I want to steer away from everybody focusing on only romantic interests! Drama can come from more than romance. It's been my dream to see more platonic relationships form outside of chatrooms. 

- These businesses will have a generic chain of employees:

- Owner (0/1)
- Manager (0/1)
- Staff (0/1)

And if the positions aren't filled, they will be replaced with NPCs. I'd prefer that new members be actual new people to the city, as backgrounds and histories can meddle with continuity. For example, a background I see a lot is something along the lines of X inherited this company from X's parents or X created this company from the ground up. I'd like to limit these types of backgrounds even though they are not technically off limits. 

- I am looking for a wholesome city vibe. Although I would limit the roleplay to being adults only for the first month, I would be open to making it a family-friendly roleplay. Instead of the wishlist being a list of people you all want to thirst on, I want it to be a little bit more direct, specific, and meaningful. I want to create a form for the wishlist that looks like this: 

Faceclaim: Name OR Race OR Features OR Surprise (Ex: Justin Bieber OR Chinese OR Muscular body, monolids, and a big juicy OR Surprise me!)
Personality Traits: Basic Traits OR List things they would do OR Surprise (Ex: Rude and obnoxious OR They are the type of person to protect everybody around him no matter what it costs OR Surprise me!)
Occupation: Business & Position OR Misc. OR Surprise (Ex: Sunshine Cafe - Staff OR Retired baseball star turned stay at home dad OR Surprise me!)
Age: Age OR Age Range OR Surprise (Ex: 25 OR 25-30 OR Surprise me!)
: Female OR Male OR Other OR Surprise (Ex: Female OR Male OR Genderfluid OR Surprise me!)
ual Orientation: Seeking Female OR Seeking Men OR Seeking All OR Seeking None OR Other OR Surprise (Ex: "" OR "" OR "" OR "" OR Seeking the one and only OR Surprise me!)
Relationship: Requestor's relationship with the wished person AND Their current relationship status OR Surprise (Ex: I will be their boss and surprise me OR They will be my ex and they will be married to my best friend OR They are my father and they will be widowed or married to my mother or divorced or I have a lot of ideas for this roleplay, okay? OR Surprise me!)
Activity Level:  1 (Not very active) - 10 (Constantly Active) OR Surprise (Ex: An activity of at least 5 because I would like consistent replies but not immediately OR Surprise me!)
Preferred POV: 1st OR 3rd OR Other OR Surprise (Ex: 1st POV OR 3rd POV OR 2nd POV? I've never heard of that, but y'all do you OR Surprise me!)
Writing Length: 1-3 Lines, Paragraph, Multipara, Novella, Surprise 

This looks incredibly complicated, but I just want to cover all the bases to all the possible wishes. I don't want it to be limited to just thirsts, but I want it to act as a job advertisement and I want it to recruit family so that family functions won't go neglected around here. It's my goal to get everyone out of their comfort zone with this roleplay! :) 

- Before anybody asks, there will be only ONE room per business. I am not making exceptions, I know there are selfish bunches of you out there who want to beg for your own offices because you swear you'll use it, but you only want to use it to bang your SO in. Group PMs will be made for businesses to communicate in, I don't know if any of you have used them before, but you can make multiple Group PMs with the same people. Just a thought for those of you who have a  million things you want to do with one person in private. They can also be labeled different things, such as: House, Staff Only Break Room, Kakaotalk without the Boss, Plotting. People can be kicked out and invited, use that to your advantage. 

- Since this is a roleplay based on in-character community, I want to minimize out of character activity as much as possible. I do not want to discipline anybody for talking excessively OOC, I just wish for the OOC to stick in brackets. There will be no IC chat, however, I will give in to creating an OOC chat so that everybody can mingle OOC and hopefully feel more comfortable approaching each other! :) 

- For roleplaying, I want to keep it lighthearted. I feel like a lot of AUs tend to put pressure towards "lit" writing, however, I feel as if conversational roleplaying has become underrated. I rarely see it these days because its reputation has been tarnished by non-AUs that are practically OOC roleplays. I want it to come back. It makes for faster plots and relationship progression. I want to see people hate their boss for a reason within a week, not wait two months of intense detail that finally gets to the point, don't get me wrong, I love writing in detail, I just feel as if I don't have the time, nor does anybody else. Plus, nobody said your writing had to suffer for the sake of 1st POV. Rather than painting a picture, I want quick to the point impact. Short and sweet is the way to go!


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LilacTears 6 years ago
I love this idea uwu
monokyo 6 years ago
This is so detailed and I love it hhhh
-syrup [A] 6 years ago
I'm excited for this even though I won't be making it! I can only hope to inspire others with my ideas. :)
-syrup [A] 6 years ago
I'd like to point out that this idea would benefit both people who love to write backgrounds and those who have a hard time to write backgrounds because for those who love to write backgrounds, they can go wild with their wishes and the people who have a hard time writing backgrounds can pick and choose a background from the wishlist that they vibe with! :)
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