if you're rping a korean faceclaim then they should be 19 (international age) or they're a minor


whoops. weird how laws are like that, huh?


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boonanii 6 years ago
ok ok so
is it just me that finds it weird for people to be rping 00 line idols in situations or rps?
rps that specifically state no underage but people will still be rping barely legal adults in areas

is it weird for me to find that weird
weishen [A] 6 years ago
like i've said previously i'm not debating this. but to those who stumble upon this blog and are reading through the comments and links.

here is the link that the post below meant to put: https://klawguru.com/2015/11/14/in-korea-the-age-of-consent-is-13-well-sort-of/

you interpret it how you like, but try to read actually read the article and think of the tone that the attorney in charge of this blog is trying to convey. i can't control what you do, i've simply said my peace.
peptobismol 6 years ago
peptobismol 6 years ago
"The age of majority in Korea is 19. For the purposes of Article 7(5), however, one is already deemed 19 on January 1st of the year in which one is to turn 19. Article 7(5) does not apply to them even though they are technically still 18 years old."

So I guess all of the 00 liners are considered adults now?

source: https://klawguru.com/2015/11/14/
Vivaldi 6 years ago
2019, the year of +19

I love it
hologram 6 years ago
differs by country and regions
visionary 6 years ago
i’m ing quaking
dionysus 6 years ago
slams mallet
let’s make it 20 to be even
dionysus 6 years ago
maybe it’s bc i’m an american and rpr is an american site is why we have differing opinions
bd24cd8d46d59cc04f4b 6 years ago
educate me Satan uwu

side eyes. ded
inhales 6 years ago
my ride or die y'all
visionary 6 years ago
deities 49 seconds ago Reply
i love you
caeldori 6 years ago
i love you
weishen [A] 6 years ago
cause descend deleted her blog and this still (sadly) needs to be said.
not a debate, it's a fact. whoops.
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