Let that marinate ((an original poem))


Parkland, Florida. Sandy Hook.  

You know the names, you know the stories.

22 school shootings recorded in 2018, but school shootings have been around since Colonial America.

July 26th, 1764

Let that marinate.

Greencastle, Pennsylvania

The first recorded school shooting in the United States. 10 deaths. 2 injuries.

Children are our future but our future is dying because our children are dying

Our government cares about guns and their rights more than it cares about children

Innocent children

Innocent lives taken because this world is teaching our children to hate other children

And we’re solving it by worrying about the guns we’ve provided these enraged children

Guns don’t kill people

People kill people

Let THAT marinate

Unity day, walk outs, they’re supposed to make our unspoken voices heard.

Teenagers are walking away from their education in protest of the government not protecting them properly, but most teenagers walked away, not because they care about ending mass shootings in school environments, but because they were offered McDonald’s at the meetup place for protesters.

You know, It’s amazing what kids these days will do for food, because kids these days need to look slim thicc to appeal to the world but some kids are too thick and some kids are too stick and as much as the world promotes loving your own skin, the world hates all kinds of skin

Dark skin, light skin, white skin, there is hate for it all because despite MLK, Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, despite these people who have tried to make a difference, there is no difference, there is only white privilege, white advantage, majority over minority even though the minorities are the majority.

Let. That. Marinate.

Our Constitution protects the freedom of speech, which gives freedom for people to express their hatred, such as the KKK, such as misogyny and misandry, such as homophobia. We’re promoting love for everyone, but everyone hates everyone. Everyone struggles because of everyone.

Women are not making the same amount of money as men, even in stereotypical “female markets” such as fashion, makeup, and hair. Women are the ones we see as weak, we see as delicate, fragile flowers with no capability of running a country or protecting themselves from men who think with the organ in their pants instead of the organ in their head. But women and men should be equal. It’s Adam AND Eve, not Adam’s better than Eve.

Feminism promotes equal rights for both es. Feminism is not “all men are disgusting”. It is not misogyny or misandry. It is a search for equality.

Let that marinate.

When outsiders think of America, they believe we are the land of the free and the home of the brave. They believe we are a strong, diverse country, where anyone can be anything. Where everyone is living the “american dream”. 

The truth is, kids are being killed by kids. Citizens are protesting but for the wrong reasons. Women are being underpaid and we claim our strength is diversity, but we’re run by white leaders, white men, rich men. 

But when those outsiders get off that plane they’ll wake up, they’ll see that America is a cruel place where freedom comes when the trigger is pulled.

Let THAT marinate


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dubulge 5 years ago
i read it twice, i love it
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