

Roleplaying as someone dead is morally wrong in my eyes, but what I find not any better is people trying to justify belittling, publicly humiliating, and all this drama with these recent blog posts.


If this situation was created because someone roleplayed as Jonghyun, is it that hard to respectfully ask the person to not do it and resolve the problem within your roleplay instead of bringing it out to everyone else so your same little posse can comment on every blog post?


It’s really ironic you’re all preaching about “respect” when I see how loosely you use that word. Apparently it’s not not alright for someone to roleplay as a dead person, but it’s completely acceptable to bash the person that does, bring it to everyone’s attention so they feel guilty about it, and make everyone feel like .


Now, I’m not defending the other side. This is just my personal opinion— And I wouldn’t allow someone to roleplay someone’s who’s already passed in any roleplay of mine, BUT I do believe the best solution would to be bring it to the attention of the roleplayer that not everyone is comfortable with seeing their faceclaim anymore, and ask them to move it to a private roleplay or something one on one where both parties don’t mind seeing it, if they really do want to use that muse so badly.


What are you trying to do? Try and make a wake up call for the others out there that might be doing the same? Maybe you should stop and wonder why no one else has made these blog posts before, since I highly doubt only one person on the entirety of this site has roleplayed as Jonghyun after what happened. Other people resolved it quietly, and some others are keeping it strictly in their private roleplays where people aren’t offended and will stir up drama like this.


Calling others “dumb es” or “absolutely disgusting” and a rainbow of other insults I saw won’t solve anything. In the end, you will stay entitled to your own opinion, as well the other person. Adding fuel to the fire won’t do anything, since neither sides will suddenly agree with the other. So, what was the point of you doing all that you did?


Stop being so immature, or take it somewhere else. Some of us are trying to enjoy RPR for what it is, and not some giant, dramatic gossip circle.


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sonathea 5 years ago
After reading what I've seen so far.. I generally think any hostility is wrong but coming from Shawols and other people who care about Jonghyun, I think you can't really blame them... If if gives a little background info and context, his existence is wrongfully used left and right so they never really had a real chance to mourn in peace so defenses are up like crazy.
Latte_ 5 years ago
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