※ fReUdiAnnNnNn.


from blxckheart uwu


Classic hysteric

Having a strong need for attention and affection, you are not one to sit idly by, hoping that these things will come to you of their own accord. Instead you actively crave center stage and seek the notice of those around you through a series of attention-grabbing behaviors such as dramatized emotions, ualized conduct and clothing, witty and eccentric manners, and so on. Notoriously fickle and flighty, you often find yourself chasing the latest colorful image that has presented itself to your imagination instead of working out the implications of a topic in detail. (By the time someone engages you on the nitty-gritty, you have already moved on to another topic.) Metaphorically, your personality style may be likened to a teenage girl whose uterus is twisting and turning, first to the one side, then to the other, causing emotional turmoil as it craves impregnation from the outside while at the same time resisting any definite commitment to it. In the same way, your actual personality is both ually flirtatious and expressively overdramatic as a means of capturing people's attention. While your spontaneous amiability may sometimes lead people to think that you are either propositioning them or their new best friend, the reality is that for you, these enticing behaviors are not necessarily meant as anything but ways of getting them to notice you and care.


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sparklygayassglitter 5 years ago

Cynical, demanding, and easily frustrated with others, you are proud, acerbic, and independent to a fault. Delivering verbal stings and disparaging analyses of others wherever you go, your outer image is one of cold and unapproachable aloofness. Little do others know, though, that while you are outwardly cold and derisive, you secretly wish that someone would come into your life and pamper you. Metaphorically, your personality style may be described as a neglected infant who was denied the essential nurture and care that you needed. Deprived of comfort and security from the earliest age onward, you learned that the world was a cynical place where independence and tough-mindedness were needed in order to thrive. Embittered with your parents' failure to provide you with basic love and security in childhood, you developed a facility for 'biting' remarks. One reason that you are so verbally aggressive is that you are frustrated with others, feeling that no one really understands you. In trying to repair the lack of parental care and security that marked your childhood, you may be attracted to cold partners who cannot meet your emotional needs in adulthood.

bd24cd8d46d59cc04f4b 5 years ago
sdghhm.. I'm.laughing
9483309dbb01ea91e2f9 5 years ago
:o nani
attitude 5 years ago
is confusion

but also not
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