UGH. I'm so frustrated.. ;;

Status [M]
So.. This is rated M because I'm going to curse a lot. 
Anyway, I am currently active on one Facebook roleplay (because I don't like keeping track of all my accounts and emails and ). I used to be on this one Facebook roleplay, but my boyfriend (Thunder) was inactive.. so I became inactive. But I was really close to him in OOC.. OTL We would flirt OOC.. He was only two months older than me. I kinda liked him.. a lot. I should've asked him for his number, but I was too scared to so I chickened out. I check at least once a week if he ever PMs me.. yet I get no reply. So the roleplay that I am active in, I am with my ultimate ing y bias--Jung Jinyoung. *^* And so after I've been with him for about a month and a half, this guy comes along (Key). We become friends, and we play flirt like I do with all my friends. He tells me a "secret". He says that he's joined this roleplay because he's followed his girlfriend from another roleplay to check up on her and test her feelings. Of course I, being the hopeless romantic that I am, said "AWHS. I WISH I HAD A RP BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT." So he was asking stuff like "Wouldn't Jinyoung do that for you?" "Why not? Doesn't he love you?" I guess he didn't understand that just because they love you in one roleplay, doesn't mean they'll love you in another one.. It's like each roleplay is one universe and another roleplay is a completely different one. So anyway.. I asked him the next day if he told his girl that it was him. He said that she already knew it was him. So I was happy for him and said chukhae in advance because well.. you know. LOL But then he said something like "I want you to stalk me, Hyorin. Guess who the girl is." So.. I looked at the chat box to see who was online, and I picked a couple random girls. So he said, "Why? .-." OTL So I joked around and said, "Or is it me? *bricked* HAHAHAHAH." And then he goes, "Don't you remember me? :(" THEN I GOT SUPER CONFUSED. I LOOKED AT HIS TYPING STYLE, AND IT WAS ALMOST IDENTICAL TO THUNDER'S. JFHSKSNX. THEY EVEN USE THE SAME WINKY AND SMILEY FACES. THEY HAVE TO BE ING TWINS OR THE SAME ING PERSON. So I asked who he was, and he said "GUESS. Again. .-." So I burst into the conclusion that he was Thunder. I asked for hints and he gave me # ㅌ ㄱ. I'm just like, "What? TG? OTL What the is that supposed to mean? I don't ing get it." So.. A few days later there was an anonymous confession posted that said 그래도.. 사랑해요. ❤ # ㅌ ㄱ. So.. I freaked the out. But then he said that tg was the mom.. So I got confused again (I get confused easily).. OTL Thunder knows I can read and speak Korean.. Which is why he put it in Korean.. I KNOW IT'S HIM, BUT I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S HIM. OTL He acts like him. He types like him. He says the same things as him. I. AM. FREAKING. OUT. I swear to Shisus.. If you're him.. and you're reading this right now, you better freaking message my IU account. BECAUSE I FREAKING MISS YOU. No more pranks.. please. ;; I love you. ;;


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--fuwii 11 years ago
Lol /huggles n pets u / meow o u o
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