※ color oracle! (creds. to stonerboy < 3)


Your General Disposition

At the present time, your behavior is characterized by your need for a feeling of success. You willingly invest a great deal of energy. At the same time, though, you feel that your actions receive too little attention, acknowledgment and recognition from the people your efforts are aimed at. You find this difficult to understand since your actions prove again and again that you are good willed and giving your best.

Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Pleasing

Of great importance to you now is...


...optimistic self-encouragement.



Again and again, you consciously adopt a positive inner attitude. This helps you to better stand up under the hardships of the present. You create goals, projects or ideals for yourself that give you a boost and the hope that your life will be better and happier. You search for ways and means which allow you to enjoy life without care and to spend more time devoting yourself to the things that bring you joy. In order to forge ahead in good spirits you now need...



You can ask yourself:


...objective assessment of the situation.



Whatever you perceive – people, things or information – you analyze it, both critically and with a certain amount of skepticism, because you want to be certain whether it is beneficial to you or not. You are not easily misled, and in line with the motto “once bitten, twice shy”, you keep your distance from everything that could damage your wallet, your reputation, your wellbeing or your peace of mind. One thing is utterly clear to you: your present situation requires...



You can ask yourself:


...relaxing favorite pastime.



When the difficulties of daily life or human interaction become too much, you prefer to retreat to your favorite pastime, a quiet hobby or into the world of your thoughts, dreams and fantasies. If you try to achieve the necessary balance to daily routine through a regular practice of meditation, you will find what you have actually been looking for: inner detachedness and peace. It would also be ideal if you could occasionally spend time in the great outdoors. You believe a particular help in achieving the inner peace you desire is...


...nurturing useful relationships.



Due to the fact that you are stuck in a genuinely unpleasant situation, you seek contact with helpful people you hope will show you understanding and provide you with moral support. It could be that you receive the necessary encouragement, but in the end, you have to solve your personal problems yourself. Your common sense will help you in this. You believe that right now two things can help: your intelligence and...


...solving difficulties autonomously.



You want to attain complete control over a situation that concerns and touches you personally. You would also like to have such a good hold on yourself that you remain in control, no matter what, so that everything runs smoothly. Without being aware of it, you are also quite domineering in your dealings with others, and this doesn't sit well with all of them. You say to yourself: The thing I need to cope with my current situation is...


...loving attention.



You attempt to use your kindness to gain the affection of other people, and thanks to your charming ways, you usually succeed. You are happy when you can be with someone who shows you warm-heartedness, sympathy and understanding and with whom you can share the enjoyable things of life: delicious food, beautiful music, a comfortable home and, last but not least, the pleasurable exchange of physical affection.


Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Unpleasant


At the moment you feel most anxious due to your...

...unpleasant contentiousness.



The behavior of certain other people is a thorn in your side. You don't feel like putting up with just anything without objection, and because of this, you can give no guarantee you won't end up in an argument with the person in question. Your stubborn attitude could easily provoke confrontations. At the moment, your mood is somewhat gloomy due to your...



Your unconscious advises you to:


...inhibiting limitations.



Difficult circumstances limit your opportunities for experience and your freedom of action. You feel deprived because you have to do without some of the things that would make life pleasant. You expect far too much understanding for your needs from other people, and as a result, you often feel disappointed. You might ask yourself how much understanding and empathy you extend to others. You would like to be free of your...



Your unconscious advises you to:


...distressing want for affection.



You are disappointed because, in your opinion, you don't receive enough physical affection and aren't able to experience enough pleasure. This could lead you to seek consolation in other sensual pleasures or to distract yourself from this feeling of want through activities you find absorbing. At best, both of these will provide you with only temporary satisfaction. Psychological complaints could result from your...


...aggressive irritability.



You often feel hindered by someone, either because your lovely plans get crossed or because someone puts bothersome obstacles in your path, criticizes you, offends you or otherwise annoys you. For this reason, you have accumulated a great deal of resentment inside which can discharge in the form of unexpected aggressive reactions. As long as you have not yet forgiven someone who has angered or injured you, you will not get rid of your explosive irritability. You are happy to give someone close to you the blame for your...


...frustrating lack of fulfillment.



You expect too much beauty, goodness and enjoyment from people, experiences and life itself. You believe other people should behave the way you consider correct and reasonable and they should show interest for your wishes and needs. Since this is often not the case, you feel frustrated and unfulfilled. If you were to seek happiness inside yourself instead of outside, you could find genuine fulfillment. Your sense of frustration also has to do with your...


...worrisome apprehension.



You are conscientious and take your tasks seriously. You often spend time pondering what you should do and how you should do it, so that everything turns out well. Even when something is going just fine, you can still be suddenly afflicted with the fear that something could go wrong or something bad could happen that would ruin everything. At the same time, though, you certainly would never admit that often you become worried far too easily and paint a very pessimistic picture.


The Color Oracle

This Color Oracle is a psychological color test developed by the Swiss astrologer and art instructor Johannes Schneider. During several decades of research and practice, he investigated the effect of color on the psyche. He first published his findings on these effects under the name "Color-O-Scope" which included 25 small colored wooden plaques for use in selecting the colors.

The online version available here utilizes the same hues as the original product. The method of color selection is also identical. Since the representation of the colors is dependent on the color fidelity of the display screen in use, slight deviations in color may nonetheless occur, and Astrodienst has no control over this.

Until further notice the Color Oracle will be offered to visitors free of charge. You will also find on this website another horoscope interpretation by the same author which is based on astrology and psychology, the "Color Horoscope" by Johannes Schneider.


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tangerine 5 years ago
I did these last year and they were SO accurate I was shook
bd24cd8d46d59cc04f4b 5 years ago
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