✱ Table of Contents:
— Reminder!
— Other Soft Opening Participants
The following users still have yet to confirm with us:
You have one hour to PM and friend us before giving your spots away. This blog is not meant to rush you, but remind as stated. If you are no longer interested in claiming your spot, feel free to let us know, but should you still need time we're giving it to you. Make sure you PM us your keyword before time is up! Again, you don't actually have to apply immediately to the roleplay itself, we're just asking you to verify who you are before time runs out. Should someone not verify, we will use a random picker again with the remaining keywords and choose from that.
In the event there isn't another confirmation, we'll be posting another blog with new winners. If you get chosen, you will be given 24 hours to confirm with us as well. Only in the event that the two above don't contact us will you see another blog from us and have your chance, so please do not place your bets on getting in.
✱ Up next ⦂ Possible blog today, "A New Era, A New Generation" tomorrow, and opening day on the 5th.
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