TELL ME HOW CAN YOU NOT BE TEMPTED 154 views AuthorMaleWifey Created Aug 11, 2019 08:56:11 Tags fantasy choose your fighter! shifter tiger shifter tiger shifter, the fierce animals that protect their lands, they can be found in forests, mountains and even jungles. racetiger hp52 atk12 spd25 def16 res8 shifter dragon shifter dragon Shifter is the oldest shifter in the shifter clan, it is also rare shifter as their population doesn't grow but only slowly extinct. racedragon hp52 atk12 spd25 def16 res8 shifter phoenix shifter phoenix is one of the three rare shifter forms. he is also one of two rare shifters that hold a fire manipulation ability. racephoenix hp52 atk12 spd25 def16 res8 shifter panther shifter panther shifter can be seen in the depths of forest or jungle. they are good in tasks that require sneaking or theft. racepanther hp52 atk12 spd25 def16 res8 shifter pegasus shifter Pegasus shifter is a rare creature, they have to be careful pegasus blood and wings are the top item in the black market. racepegasus hp52 atk12 spd25 def16 res8 shifter wolf shifter Wolf Shifters are the loyal members of the clan, they can be found in forests or mountains mostly. racewolf hp52 atk12 spd25 def16 res8 merman . merman their difference from other mermen are that they can't last 24 on land without suddenly gaining tail, they need to drink lots of water, and take at least small dips in water now and then when they roam around the land, without water that they could be found in state what you see fish in the land (flopping as they desperately try to find water and dying slowly). racemerman hp30/60 atk5/10 spd8/16 def10/20 res5/10 merman siren despite the fact they sing songs to lure sailors to death they are considered neautral characters as they can sing for both pirates and other characters. racemerman hp30/60 atk5/10 spd8/16 def10/20 res5/10 merman merman tentacle they can be seen in dark oceans mostly, helping the demonic characters with their quests. racemerman hp30/60 atk5/10 spd8/16 def10/20 res5/10 guardian nine tailed fox even though foxes can be tricky they do guard the nature and magic around it, if it's raining in the land where nine foxes roam around just know that it's the fox's rain as they can bring rain with their tears and brightest sunshine with their smile that comes from bottom of their heart. racefox hp55 atk10 spd14 def25 res13 guardian fairy elf fairy elves are quite different than forest elves. they have power to manipulate their natural height to shrinking themselves into butterfly size, they feed on light magic which they hold and are twice weaker on the dark lands. raceelf hp55 atk10 spd14 def25 res13 guardian forest elf the elf who protects the nature from the darkness, their powers can be involving, wind, earth, nature or water. raceelf hp55 atk10 spd14 def25 res13 warrior pirate human pirates are humans just they have turned to dark side and fish mermen, hunt for rare items for a living. racehuman hp37 atk12 spd9 def25 res16 warrior hunter human hunter is just like an assassin they are raised to master all kinds of weapons. racehuman hp37 atk12 spd9 def25 res16 warrior wild human loyal human being, they are great at hunting by instinct and great survivors, they live in forests, great leaders and protectors, they do not own any land so they respect the gods, they grew up in wild so it is natural to have strong body, their goal is to grow and protect their tribe, it said some can be like shamans as they are very close to gods spiritualy. racehuman hp37 atk12 spd9 def25 res16 demonic warlock warlock is born male witch with the dark magic flowing trough his veins. racewarlock hp40 atk19 spd10 def22 res10 demonic demon servant demon servant is the human who sold his soul to demon, he holds dark magic and can summon demons or even be summoned by them to do some evil deeds. racehuman hp40 atk19 spd10 def22 res10 demonic dark guardian guardian and demonic chara hybrid. rarely adapts to other lands, mostly seen as guardian of darkness, holds power of dark magic and fire. racehybrid hp40 atk19 spd10 def22 res10 u×5 click anywhere in layout to teleport Comments You must be logged in to comment. 73a7bbf8937d4d27288a 5 years ago wow these edits -maybenot 5 years ago Ooooooooooooo Log in to view all comments and replies
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