plan to build pc how well u are at that?

Tags urgh 


please tell me there is someone who can help me decide on parts, recommend some

I picked half of it and I got incopatibility warning /FLAIL

my knowledge is 0

I got some recommendations on parts and basically choosed them 

I wish it was that easy


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Sugarly 3 years ago
Determines your budget. Never stump on the gpu and cpu. you can improve on everything else in time. I'd say at least 8 gigs of ram, possibly 500gb of storage. If you're on pc part picker use their compatibility checkmark. Some things might not be compatible or might not be seen in a few builds to calculate. It could be because some parts are not known to fit in the specific case you've picked out. Building a pc is like a puzzle with big pieces. Prebuilts for a good reason because upgrading is not too fun on something that you don't know the specs of beforehand. It's not as hard as people think it is. Just watch a lot of pc builds on YouTube (around your budget) to give you an idea of what you're looking for
tsukispookie 3 years ago
I would say that it is better to buy a prebuild atm. Parts are so expensive right now because of scalpers, and you don't want to risk damaging your system because you don't know what you're doing
583b05ce9f840c2a8419 3 years ago
It depend on how much you wanna build it for. I built two pc for basic gaming-
saorsa 3 years ago
This website will let you pick out the parts, list them and tell you what doesn’t work before giving recommendations:

Building a oc isn’t really all that easy, if you know nothing about computers then you might be better off buying a prebuilt for now and then upgrading individual parts as you need(and learning about those parts)
phenomena 3 years ago
ㄱ uㄱ
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