An update, an apology, and a few other notes.


Hey friends.

I'd like to start by apologizing to everyone whether it be for unintentionally dipping out of a roleplay, stopping mid-conversation, going MIA, and so on. Most of you who know me well know that I was almost always here, even when it was difficult to be. Allow me to explain my situation and if you're still upset with me, then I completely understand. When I took a break from college last fall, I continued to stay with my parents since it would be cheaper and all that. Our neighbor allows us to use his internet but his kids are real weird about messing with it without a second thought. This in turn leads to the occasional shutdown of the router and gosh knows what else. He went on vacation earlier this summer and turned off the internet with the excuse of "well I didn't think you guys were using it", which explains one of my previous absences. And then for god knows what reason after we got it back post-vacation, it went MIA again, but for months. (Note: There was a short time where we had it but my computer decided to think it wasn't connected to an ethernet cable and I'd rather explain everything over my desktop than my old phone). Around this time, I was getting slammed with work hours left and right so all I did was work and sleep and ATTEMPT at having a life in between.


Throughout my absence over the last few months, I've become head bartender at my work (meaning I have to keep a restaurant bar intact, clean, and stocked without trying to strangle one of my three other bartenders who tend to get lazy) and I've recently returned to school for Phlebotomy. This means I work 5 nights a week and go to school the other 2. You can say my schedule isn't...ideal. Anyway, that's why I've been gone without so much as a word. Additionally, I don't exactly have unlimited data nor did I have much time at school to just jump online. I figured that once I could be sure I was coming back long-term, I'd write this blog for you guys before I did anything else.


For the future, I might come back to a few places or join a few, but my replies will be spotty. This will continue until A) I can figure out how to incorporate roleplay replies into my schedule or B) Christmas which is around when my current class ends and when I'll likely leave my current job to go back to school full time in February (Cross your fingers that I make it into my program guys. I'm taking pre-reqs right now).


With all sorts of sincerity and the like,



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YouOnlyLiveOnce 5 years ago
Here to support and wait for you. Missing you too <3
Wishing you all the best~
acuteassmess 5 years ago
You got this love, i give you my best of love and support ❤
2b2028157644e510079d 5 years ago
i love you sis ♡
blockbtob1a4men 5 years ago
Cutie ahhh I missed you lots~
Tiny26443 5 years ago
I'VE MISSED YOU~!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
1069516efe8cb1773899 5 years ago
AcePanda 5 years ago
take care of yourself.
psychologist 5 years ago
We'll be here whenever you're back, and we'll get down to more shenanigans then :)
attitude 5 years ago
ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ I missed u but im happy you're doing alright and you got such a nice promotion I'd assume with the bartending and I hope and pray and whatever else I need to do for you to get into your program! Good luck with everything and I don't think anyones mad we just missed you and love u so it was hard not seeing you often ;;
dagonyang 5 years ago
dagonyang 5 years ago
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