Created I know I disappeared after just coming back but I had a family emergency dropped on me like a couple days after coming back. Then I got REALLY sick. like close to having to go to the ER three times; twice for asthma attacks caused by the cold that turned into bronchitis which I am fighting now (and barely have the energy to do much else) and once because my blood sugar spiked to 418 (took me 2 hours and A LOT of peanut butter to get it down). 

I've had a couple of days where I felt a bit better and tried going out (shopping once and hanging with friends another day) and regretted it because I was so worn out after 2 hours and I had an anxiety attack in the middle of shopping that I fell asleep as soon as I got home both times. 

This bronchitis is kicking my really bad right now. I cough so hard that it sends me into an asthma attack, thank god for my inhaler. I do manage to check my FB and KKT daily so if you wanna message me feel free and I will respond when I can. If you don't want to wait for me to come back I completely understand just please let me know so I don't come back and find that you dropped out couple.

For now, I am taking an indefinite hiatus until my health is better and I am not struggling to just function without having an anxiety or asthma attack every damn day. 


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saorsa 4 years ago
get well soon!
dagonyang 4 years ago
feel better soon, and take your time!
BlackRose21 4 years ago
I honestly hope you get better love.
-hugs you-
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