(hopefully) the last word

Status [M]

(warning: VERY long blog post ahead. if you want to bash, that's fine, but i'm here for a discussion, not a roasting session. those are unnecessary, when i'm just trying to shed light on the issue. also sorry for formatting i'm on mobile and i just woke up xD) 

hello, citizens of rpr lmao

i'm sure yall found the whole slew of blog posts last night (at least in my tz) very sketchy, and questionable, and there were a lot of people pointing fingers, and people blaming each other, and you may or may not have taken a side, or remained neutral and just went wow rpr because lol, honestly. mood.

but what im here to say is, i never wanted to start . starting gets exhausting, frankly, especially if it goes on for longer than it should. this blog post may seem like dragging this out, but i just want to address the rpr community, because what are we here to do? that's right, rp! all i want is for people to be comfortable in rps again, and to be able to write without having to worry about things that make them uncomfortable.

and the question of minor ualization? well to clear things up, it did happen in an rp, but it wasn't the admins that did such a thing. it's only fair to assume though, that a sensitive topic like this easily makes people uncomfortable, which is why a lot of accusations were thrown around. the phrase "borderline ual", which was said in a conversation between my friend and the main admin of the rp, was admittedly exaggerated. the faceclaim was 16 and called another character 'baby girl', which usually has ual connotations. it did not have ual connotations this time, but because of the actual minor ualization that occurred previously, it's understandable that people misunderstood a lot of what the admins joked about in the ooc chat.

so yes, this whole mess happened because of misunderstanding, and miscommunication. a lot of things that were said also came from a place of anger and frustration. my friends have since then learned to take a step back and think before posting anything they might regret.

originally, however, beelzetan's blog addressed the entire rpr community, not just a specific rp. this is why no names were dropped, even though the comments were filled with people asking for a name. this is where the "witch hunt" began — but beelzetan never had the intention of doing so. this issue has been discussed by many users before, and beelzetan just wanted to bring it up again. we never meant to accuse anyone of minor ualization, because no one in the rp in question, aside from the original offender, actually did ualize a minor. the issue with the rp is that some admins were making ual jokes that made people uncomfortable. i personally was not in the rp myself, so you may be wondering, you're not even in the rp, why are you speaking for people? well, as someone more... detached, so to speak, i've heard complaints from people in the rp (not just my friends) that it was a bit concerning, since the issue of minor ualization is so controversial, that even jokes and ual talk were making them uncomfortable. say what you will, but many people do not join an au filled with ic minors to listen to people make ual jokes.

so to clarify: we never intended to call out a specific rp, or a specific user. we never accused the rp of ualizing minors. the admins of the rp did not ualize minors; they simply made jokes that made people uncomfortable. this should have been a matter solved within the rp, and one of my friends did pm the head admin to discuss their concerns. after she did, the rules became stricter, and we were satisfied with the outcome. we thought it would end there, and we were satisfied. 

you may be wondering why this matter wasn't handled privately. because the poster of the blog blocked my friends and i, we were not able to continue this discussion. i tried to bring this up to them, but my comment was deleted, and i respect that. if the user does not want to interact with me, then they do not have to interact with me. they have the right to block who they please.

what was handled privately, however, was the issue of another user being accused of defending pedos. that comment, i agree, was uncalled for. the user did not do anything wrong, and my friends have since then apologized personally to them. they did not ever defend any pedos of any sort. all they wanted was for this issue to be solved privately. and despite what people may think, it was (sort of). no names were dropped, and the main admin was also pmed to discuss such concerns. the blog that beelzetan posted was simply her (very angry) thoughts on the situation of ualizing minors, which some people still do.

so now, you may be wondering; what even is the point of this blog? well, it's to clear things up for the 1k viewers of both blogs who may be wondering what the tea is (lol). i personally bear no ill will to anyone involved, because again, all i want is for people to be able to rp comfortably. this issue was needlessly blown out of proportion because of misunderstandings, and what i wanted was for us to reach a consensus. since that didn't happen, i guess what i want to say is this:

people make mistakes. my friends and i made mistakes, the original blog posters made mistakes, and harassing us or them is not the way to go about things. we stand by on our stance that ual jokes of any kind should not be made in an rp of that setting, but the methods in which we tried to address our points may have been seen as too aggressive. beelzetan did not intend to call anyone specific out, and we apologize that the admins of the rp thought we were accusing them of ualizing minors. we weren't, and we never have.

so! tldr; we did not intend to accuse an rp of ualizing minors; we were just uncomfortable with ual jokes and ual talk; we apologized to the person who was accused of defending pedos; this blog was made because the issue can no longer be handled privately since we were blocked.

the tldr is a much shorter summary tbh, i'm sorry you wasted five minutes of your life listening to my #JwuThotz

so yeah! no negative thoughts towards anything or anyone that was involved in this (sending my love to the main admin of that rp tbh, we haven't talked much but i know you're a whole sweetheart and i'm sorry this happened to your rp). just wanted to say that miscommunication and misunderstandings do happen, and instead of thinking about what should have happened instead, the only thing we can do is think of how to amend it. and i suppose, this is my way of amending all the hurt and offense that's been thrown around in the past few hours.

so yeah! that's it; thank you for listening to my rambling (i talk a lot sorry). have a good day folks, keep safe and wash your hands! 


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cybertrash 4 years ago
i’ve been mostly silent throughout all this, but i felt the need to respond and say that i appreciate what you said here. i hope now that we all can come to some sort of resolve or at the least be able to move forward. take care!
PureWildness 4 years ago
(otl I’m not taking any sides here but I gotta say this after all this drama)

scammer 4 years ago
again, i'd like to apologize for the way i acted and the way i unintentionally started a witch hunt. the blog i posted was in no way calling out a specific group of people, but it was to raise awareness regarding the ualization of minors. i have already talked to the head admin of the rp, and we have already talked and cleared any misunderstandings and miscommunication. but again, i apologize as i acted rashly in the heat of the moment, and so a blog was made. i hope with this, the issue is done and no one will make this escalate even more than it should go.
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