2020 you ducking binch - a timeline

Tags 2020 

January 2020 - Quits dance group because our touring and performing schedules and money are too much also so much drama and no more heart for it 
January 2020 - Slips on ing snow and sprains ankle
Still January 2020 - Not a sprained ankle broken ankle 
Still still January 2020 - Ankle surgery
January - February - Casts 1, 2 and finally 3 
March - Quarantine lock down
April - Mental breakdown and relapse
Still April - Fired from job with a lie 
Yup April still - Mom refuses to let me come home, leaving me homeless for a bit
May - My birthday and still in a cast but jobless and broke 
May - Goes to work for same store different owners different town
May - discovers all the lies I was fed from my old job, traitors who spoke to my face with smiles then stole my job and slandered me to my employers and lied to my face and talked me to clients who came to my new location just to tell me 
May - Cast comes off and physio begins
June - More corona
June - Family drama
June - Another breakdown 
June - Goes to old store I worked at to get item I don't have at my store, gets accused of stealing and spying by their new manager (my former assistant manager when I was still manager), gets banned from the store. I can't believe they replaced me with someone who doesn't even have a high school diploma while I sit here with degrees too good for them
July - Still having a breakdown, no longer getting lifts to work, having to take 6 hours of public transit a day, balding with bald spots in my hair from anxiety and worsening pcos symptoms, new anxiety med cocktail make me feel like a zombie, still bothered by people, no apartment, no money, no happiness, barely clinging on and close to another breakdown, relapses again 

July - There's a giant screw in my ankle take a look: 



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Jishubunny 4 years ago
Yes, even family members can be toxic. Better surround yourself with people who can bring some positivity and happiness in your life. Take care of your health~ especially with the covid situation right now. Find something that can help you relax but not something bad for the health like alcohol or smoke which could lower the effectiveness of medications. There will be better days to come~
astraltia 4 years ago
I am always here for you. You have been through so much and I was getting really worried by your silence.
tsukispookie 4 years ago
I dont know you

But I hope everything gets better for you. You have had one of the tiest 2020s that I've seen. I hope that having new bosses that you love will be the start of a better year for you
cautionramen 4 years ago
Hope you're alright!
kagaki 4 years ago
It’s good to know that you’re working in a better environment, I hope you’ll be able to dear well!
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