So-- as my closer friends know, I've recently been diagnosed with Endometriosis, but today I got a double whammy: I also have Interstitial Cystitis. Basically this is a duo of pelvic pain and a lot of new medications that my body has to get used to.
What this means? I'll be leaving some places. Hiatus-ing at others. I'm just... so tired of getting told there is something else wrong with me every time I go into a doctor's office. Finding out I'm so inherently broken up inside, and not in an emo way ^^; I just need time to myself, to acclimate my body to these new meds and all the procedures in my near future, and worst of all... The Diets. Did you know chocolate actually irritates your body? I do now. Talk about a cruel diet plan.
Anyways, I love you guys, call this a general PSA for my lack of presence last week and the next few weeks. I'll be more active when I feel a little more in control of my own body.
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