
hello, everyone! comment down below if you've got any requests for roleplays you've been dying to see around. I'm going to make a poll for the most frequent suggestions because I feel like creating a place again after my STR entertainment roleplay died for a rather tragic reason. or if you need a helping hand for an idea you've had in mind, let me know as well! if I'm interested in the plot, then let's go.

also: please do tell me what you think could be done to improve the role playing experience overall as an admin! like safewords as more roleplays have started to use them lately.

what do you think kills a roleplay most of the times?

how do you prevent these issues from happening? 


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kitramos 4 years ago
So after some more recent experiences, got some other ideas about what might be happening. and some ways to maybe help combat it a bit.

I I think activity checks need to be much more often. I think you could just set them to haitus rather then booting them if you want, but I think one of the main problem is people get into groups, then a fair amount of that group at some point either loses muse, gets busy, or is otherwise unavailable to post for long periods of time. this leaves the people who are still in the mood to rp with out much to do. And so soon enough they move on as well. I think a way to combat this and make these extra activity checks less intrusive, is that for the groups they consist of actually rping out bits of the promotion cycle. like making the music video, or recording the music or doing a some talk shows or reality shows to further get their name out there.
For Trainees this could consist of having to make cover songs, get dance or singing lessons. maybe even egg groups. Could also have like signing competitions or other games shows going. I think this could also help with muse too as then they got stuff to talk about or experiences, like ditching practice have more meaning when they actually do get missed. and stuff like that. I also think that if a enough of a group goes in active the remainder is given the opportunity to form a sub group that then debuts, or are allowed to move to another group while their main one is in haitus. it's certainly more work but I think it'd be more flexible setup with people not really want to leave but also running into dry spells with muse and such. making sure those who still want to do something have something to do.
kitramos 4 years ago
I think part of why the rp's die is things to do. I also think gospel is on to something, but can't just not have one as a room will start to get used as one anyways. I think some things that could help would be having more events even if they aren't big, it can act as a plot starter. as I do see a surge of activity right around the release of a new event then it seems to settle down. one interesting thing another ent rp did was host these competition shows, and people got extra points for their team if they posted in the main stage, and for activity in their teams prep area, it got people posting. and once the show ended things started to slow down again.

I think two things we need to do is perhaps have a list of plot ideas posted somewhere so people who are having problems coming up with starters or continues have an idea list. I think we also need to have some way that people can easily note when they are looking for rp and when they are not. as it can be hard to tell who's actually looking and who's busy. And I think that is something that gets to be a problem after a while as you get enough people who are busy with plots or irl and it can seem like no one is willing to rp anymore when in reality plenty are it's just hard to tell who. So people get discouraged and leave.
gospel 4 years ago
I kind of miss the old good gossip themed rps. like, everyone lives in fear of becoming another victim of gossip girl weekly expose :D
I don't know what can be improved, but I think that every user likes to feel included and see that everyone else feels included as well? no friends bubbles, stuff like that. everyone tries to notice everyone. slow chat?
I agree that disappearance of the main admin can be a reason for rp to die. the main admin (but their co-admins as well) is the main source of hype. I would add also that over-using chatroom, especially ooc one, can be the cause of death since it's just a fake activity for the rp, when not many ic threads are played. how to prevent these? I have no idea :D
just_a_backup 4 years ago
one reason rolepays die is the main admin going inactive, but it's more than just that. Once people loose interest the places they die as well. Sadly.

I guess most popular au rp's are city's, fantasy, gang or asylum ones.
tsukispookie 4 years ago
I find that the moment the main admin goes inactive, so does everyone else tbh

Or people just expect the admins to rp with every single person in the roleplay despite others being available. And thats physically impossible /sighs
catnips 4 years ago
vampire au gdi i just wanna be a vamp
abbacchio 4 years ago
throws a coin and wishes for an asylum one or anything dark
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