Cafe AU Full Profile: Son Dongmyeong

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*Note: The About Me section did something weird to me with the spacing. I can't seem to fix it or maybe I'm just not doing it right but I'm also not sure if it looks as spaced out to me as it does to everyone else.

Find the masterlist of my cafe/small city AU muses here

son dongmyeong.
my twin, my fiance and my band members are my world. ♡
my darlings
about me / background

dongju has always been his whole world, even with the little pranks that he would play on his brother. dongmyeong is just as attached to dongju as his younger twin is to him just not to the dangerous extent that dongju sometimes exhibits. he's always pushed through the fights and lashing out that dongju would go through, which eventually became clear was separation anxiety. whenever dongju is worried that dongmyeong will be too far for too long, dongju goes into a fit where he tends to react physically and there ends up being a high chance of him hurting himself or those around him.

the strongest and most recent example of dongju's separation anxiety would be when dongmyeong let dongju know about his engagement. although the couple already knew that dongju liked dahyun, dongju's anxiety about losing his brother caused him to throw a tantrum with dongmyeong ending up with a long scar across his chest from a knife that dongju had gotten a hold of in an attempt to hurt himself. the last thing dongmyeong really remembers about the incident is dongju making a call to dahyun about him (dongmyeong) needing to go to the hospital and then waking up in the hospital after being stitched up. dongju apologizes all the time for it still even though dongmyeong has made it clear that he forgives him.

he's had to take a break from his band M.A.S. (although the band has agreed to simply take a break together) as dongju's tantrums had gotten him into more trouble. not too long after dongmyeong was out of the hospital, dongju had gotten himself into trouble with the law by lashing out at his ex-boyfriend donghun and dongmyeong wanted to be there for his brother in every way that he could. now that things have settled, he's able to go back to working on shows with M.A.S. and finish up with planning his wedding to dahyun. he's excited that things are beginning to fall back into place again and he's happy that dongju has taken a liking to gunhak since it seems that gunhak is the only other person besides himself that can really handle dongju's tantrums without scaring him or hurting him.

things that he's looking most forward to: his wedding to dahyun and playing a show for the first time at dongju's cafe

personality / facts
he is one of the cutest and sweetest people that you will ever meet. he does become someone different if he feels his family (dahyun, his brother, and s) are threatened in any way. other than that, it's easy to see his dimple as he's almost always smiling, especially when he's with those he considers family. he's serious about his art and about caring for others. he doesn't like to see anyone hurt and would never intentionally hurt anyone. he honestly just wants to see everyone happy, having no problem doing what he can to make that happen, too.
band practice, spending time with his family.
crying, hurting others, forgetting things.
none really.
having someone in his family hate him.
being married to dahyun & a world tour with M.A.S..
ooc rules
one. Cras vel rutrum tortor. two. Duis feugiat enim vitae vulputate finibus. three. Aenean venenatis, felis scelerisque volutpat rutrum, ante risus posuere nisl, porta faucibus orci sapien non massa. four. Suspendisse vel odio augue. five. Quisque tristique luctus nulla ac fermentum. six. Cras efficitur in massa at tempor. seven. Ut sit amet orci congue, ultricies est eu, sodales justo. eight. Pellentesque condimentum mauris eget metus gravida rutrum. nine. Aliquam facilisis eros sit amet quam hendrerit, et elementum turpis feugiat.
art supplies
satin sheets
iced coffee


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c5a660b296b96153e440 4 years ago
The spacing looks different indeed
But tbh I actually like it
And it makes it easier to read
But that’s just my opinion bb
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