I Guess 5 Days Is Enough

Tags rant recovery 

So turns out the five days or so since my surgery was suppose to be enough for recovery according to my mother. At least that's how she's been acting so far. She's learning what it's really like not to have someone to hand the baby to. She could hand me off to my grandparents if she got frustrated. Since I'm suppose to be resting my hand she's technically not suppose to hand him to me. But she's been complaining about falling asleep at work and not getting enough sleep at night. You know, stuff that comes with having an infant. 

I mean I just changed a diaper even though gripping things hurts so frickin much. I was basically done and heard her ask in her sleep if I needed help. Was I mad? Yes. Was I able to ask anyone else in the house? No. The only other person flat out told me, no. He even laughed as he said it. And no I can't just ask relatives to watch him till I'm better. So it's possibly further up my hand or listen to my mother complain about helping me with my son. 

Naturally I chose to up my hand. So I'll be getting back to rping with everyone within a couple hours.


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4983dd8c2cc75a0ba148 3 years ago
Bub, resting your hand should be first priority..but I'm sure you have other positive people who can help you taking care of your kid.
UndeadVampire 3 years ago
Aw sweetie... I am so sorry to hear that! Wish I could help you <3
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