It Hurts

Tags ramblings 

While I'm feeling like puking (from not eating one day then eating the next) my child isn't feeling well so he wants to be comforted but also don't touch him. My usual two helpers are mia. One had a nearly 12 hour shift cause someone got fired. The other is suffering with kidney stone pain. Naturally he also wants to go to the person with kidney stone pain and they just want to wallow in pain. I have unintentionally been choked so many times today, scratched near or far too close to my eye...I just....idk. I just.


Also how the hell do you teach an eight month old that hitting is bad? Especially people and the very expensive dvd player. Mostly dvd player though.


Also don't freak out about the not eating thing. It's not abnormal for me. I use to eat one or two small bowls of mac n cheese a day. Maybe some soda or water throughout but just that. It's not abnormal for me. I'm also in no danger from this as I'm overweight, not doing this cause I'm overweight though. I just don't feel like eating or can't cause left alone with the baby 


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583b05ce9f840c2a8419 3 years ago

Also you may like to watch him. And get your own way to teach your kid to listen :)
583b05ce9f840c2a8419 3 years ago
I have 2 kids.
And this is how I treat them, maybe you can get an idea from it.
Begin teaching your kid when you meant something by using your voice in a stern way. Your kid may not understand what you meant but they will associate it. Use "Stop" or "No".
Also keep your eyes stern, disapproving.
Be stern the second they do something you don't approve. Don't wait until later. Tell them right away.
Say "no" or "stop", if they repeat, take them to a corner and repeat your word. Step back once you place them in the corner or even just against a wall would work too.
This would work if you be stern not only with yourself, but your kids and anyone of family that try to help them. If they try to help your kid, tell them that will them be responsible for your child if you can't stop your kid from harming themselves one day? Or are you the one responsible? This isn't for them but also for you.
Imagine if your kid doesn't listen to you. Imagine when they climb up somewhere and you told them to stop and before you can get to them, they already fall. Or as a single parent, do you want to always depend on someone because you can't control your kid to even go grocery?
Do you want to be the mom that strolling in the market with your kid walk in front, beside and they don't just ran off and you have to keep them in the cart, strap down and they still try to climb off the seat?
Audacity-- 3 years ago
To stop hitting, we started using time outs.
At that age, we cleaned out one of his pop-up play crib thingies and called it baby jail.
You don't do it for very long (maybe a minute) but you have to ignore their cries and emotions for that whole minute.

Alternately, showing no emotion and not responding when he does hit takes away the fun and attention it gives, or in the same vein you could try distraction. With my kids it took a lot of baby jail and "ignoring" the bad behavior.
cthuwu 3 years ago
To stop him hitting and such, is he old enough to comprehend emotions?
Like are you able to pretend to cry and show him that hitting things makes them sad? I know that he's too young for you to suggest alternatives or anything, but showing him that it hurts people might help?
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