Guess who’s back! Reset mode


Even though I'm pretty sure that no one even knew I was gone in the first place, minus the two people who gave me the idea in the first place (I love y'all btw if I haven't said it enough before ^_^) ngl while a part of me knew I needed this break it truly helped me more than I realized. the only bad part tbh was the fact that I had literally nothing else to occupy my time so my mental health got even tier BUT I finally started therapy at my new clinic (and the guy seems pretty dope though going over my life story with a stranger is both exhausting yet liberating). And I'm almost done with physical therapy so that's also very exciting. I haven't had to use my cane in a little over a month now and I haven't had any pain in my knee (minus going up and down stairs) for about 2 weeks now. Still have aches and pains and my back had been killing me but I think that's cuz I've also been working on my posture (and my s have gotten bigger for some reason????) which brings me to another milestone! I LOST 25 LBS!! (About 11 kg) I still have a LOOOOOONG way to go but it does make me a little happier seeing that progress.

and I said way too much again because I don't use social media (outside of rping and even then barely) and my only friends are on this site :') but yeah it's a slow process but it's happening!


Anyways yeah just wanted to do a little recap I guess? Even though I didn't really do much which is part of the point. But I'm slowly gonna be making my way into rping again. I'm gonna be focusing mainly on my ent rp Vulpes Corvum which you guys should totally join! Once I get back into the swing of things I'll either revamp and reopen my /yuri or make a new rp (or finally open one of my five million rps in drafts smh) we'll see cuz I have way too much time and way too many ideas orz. But in the words of ateez: one day at a time.


also contemplating changing my username :')


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Jhopeexoticvip 3 years ago
Welcome back and I knew you were gone.
Ha-Sike 3 years ago
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