Song-Inspired OC: Midnight Sky - Miley Cyrus

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Birth Name: Amanda Clearey

Legal Name: Mandi Clearey

Age: 32

Height: 5 feet 5 inches

Weight: 138 pounds

Hair Color: Black

Hair Texture & Length: Born with beach waves. Keeps it just past the shoulder.

Eye Color: Light Brown

Eye Shape: Sharp Almond

Skin Color: Olive, freckled all over

Occupation: Contracted photographer for a travel magazine

Favorite Color: Sky Blue

Favorite Food: Cornerstore sushi

Favorite Drink: Champagne

Tattoo(s): "Freedom" on her right wrist in script; "Breathe" on her left wrist in comic sans

Piercing(s): Just the usual single hole in each ear lobe

Style: Uptown but country. Think boho but usually in a semi-formal. Loose fitting suits, plain white tees, and pointed-toe heels or torn jean shorts with a button down blouse, some colorful kimono overlay, and boots, sandals or sneakers that go up or lace up to her knee or thigh. Absolutely always accessorized, typically with silver rings and matching bracelets and bangles.

Backstory/Personality (AKA me rambling to find a coherent storyline AKA author/creator notes): She's used to just barely making it, penny pinching to get by, and she's content with that as well. Most people tell her that she's so carefree but she doesn't believe she is since she's stressed all the time. She lives for the weekends because the weekdays drive her insane and refuses to take work on the weekends. Always makes sure to make that very clear. She considers herself a rolling stone since she always has to travel for work and she takes every job she can just to make ends meet. She moved from a small-town near the Great Lakes to deep in New York City before finding some small city to get an apartment in. Don't ask her where she actually lives because she never remembers unless she writes down her entire address or checks the note she has bookmarked in her phone. She forgets that she can just check her ID for her address. She has a driver's license but rarely uses it in travel. Usually forgets to renew her license. Not a party animal but can usually be found at parties when she isn't working. Won't drink herself insane since she knows her limit but that doesn't mean she won't drink enough to remember what friends she has at the party, let alone who even invited her. Loyal, like incredibly so, but has no friends. Shes not good with keeping contact with others and doesn't feel the need to do so since she doesn't stay for long in any one place, usually no more than a week. Can't remember the last time she had an actual romantic relationship with anyone but is pretty sure it was middle school and she isn't even sure if she has an ideal type. She also doesn't have a clue who she's even attracted to anymore. She isn't the type to hook up and avoids doing so when she can, knowing people's mindsets change very quickly after one, something she's taken with her after one hookup when she was a teenager. Doesn't call or text her parents or anyone in her family for that matter and doesn't visit for the holidays but she always sends a postcard to let them know that she's okay. Loving but also a fighter, well, with words. She can throw fists, too, when she wants to, but she's more likely to cut someone down with words. Swears like a pissed pirate when she's angry and sometimes even sounds like she was born on the seas instead of the closest body of water being only a lake.

*Would post pictures for an idea of what she looks like but I'd have to find them... If I could--

Thank you for reading, my loves. 


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